Published March 15, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Features of teaching native (Tatar) language in primary school for new teaching and methodical sets

  • 1. Institute of Education Development of the Republic of Tatarstan


This article describes the peculiarities of teaching the native (Tatar) language for a new teaching kit included in the federal list.

It examines the functions of a modern textbook in training. It is told that all three of these features (the educational, cognitive, correctional) act as a unit and are defining the nature of a subject Tatar language.

 The article stresses the importance of practical teaching kits (CMO) in the native (Tatar) language. The analysis of educational material textbooks Tatar language confirms that the CMO is a set of exercises aimed at the formation and development of knowledge, learning activities of students of language in the development of coherent speech.

In conclusion, the article refers to the value of a training package on the Tatar language (author Z. I. Zamaletdinova) in improving language education and the development of speech activity of students and training teachers to work with the new CMO.


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