One of the most common neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology is premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The article is devoted to study of pro-gesterone level and frequency of polymorphic variants T1T2 of progesterone receptor gene PROGINS, as well as their possible relationship in patients with various forms of PMS. The object of the study were 50 women of reproductive age with diagnosis of PMS, including 25 women with edematous form of the disease, 25 – with neuropsychical form. Mild form of disease had 25 women, severe form – also 25 persons. Control group consisted of 25 women without diagnosis of PMS. Progesterone level was determined in blood serum twice in the first and second phase of menstrual cycle. Polymorphism T1T2 of progesterone gene receptor PROGINS was studied using polymerase chain reaction.
We found hypoprogesteronemia of luteal phase of menstrual cycle in women with PMS, especially pronounced in persons with edematous and severe forms of the disease (p<0.05).
Polymorphic variant T1T2 of gene PROGINS can be considered as a marker of development of PMS. T1T1 genotype was significantly as-sociated with development of edematous form (χ2=4.50; р=0.03) and its presence may indicate a tendency to develop of severe form of PMS (χ2=3.21; р=0.07). T2 allele can be considered as a protective mechanism for the appearance of PMS, particularly its edematous and severe forms, in which the presence of T2 allele reduces the risk of PMS, respectively 3.0 times (χ2=4.50; p=0.03, OR=0.20 95% CI 0.05–0.78; p=0.02) and 1,71 times (χ2=3.21, p=0.07, OR=0.27, 95% CI 0.08–0.95, p=0.04) compared with control group.
Reduced blood level of progesterone in women with PMS correlated with the presence of T1T1 genotype of gene PROGINS. By edematous, neuro-psychical, severe and mild forms of PMS and the presence of T1T1 genotype there were significantly low levels of this hormone in the second phase of menstrual cycle (p<0.05) relative to women with the same genotype in the control group of. Furthermore, there was no statistically significant difference in progesterone level in women with T1T2 genotype in these groups compared with healthy women with same genotype (p>0.05)
Evaluation of progesterone and progesterone receptor gene PROGINS polymorphism in the development of some forms of premenstrual syndrome.pdf
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