Published March 15, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The modern trends of forming internet additional disorder between students of medical university


Today the so-called internet–space occupies the special place in our world. The Internet is applying in almost all spheres of human life. That’s why there were manifested different side effects, in particular, the “Internet Additional Disorder”. This paper examines current trends and features of excessive internet–using by students of a medical university as a group of people, who has a predisposition to incipience of Internet Additional Disorder. During research, we interviewed 100 students of between 21 and 24 years old (50 boys and 50 girls). After analysis of the results we made such conclusions:

1. The most of the students spend more than 3 hours per day for virtual entertainments (social networking, playing games, watching videos, etc.). It influences negatively on educational and works progress, performance and state of health.

2. It takes place the superactivity in using of mobile devices by students, that’s why we can find new psychical disorders like “Phantom ringing syndrome” (a false sense of calling phone), “Nomophobia” (fear of being without a mobile phone), etc.

3. More than half of students believe that virtual communication is easier than real, and this opinion prevails among boys than girls. This trend characterises features of modern communication, “virtualization of communication”.

4. In accordance with diagnostic criteria for internet addiction disorder (IAD), every third student has this disorder, that requires the attention of the society, as well as developing ways to treat this addiction.

5. According to the results of the research, boys a more inclined to the development of the Internet Additional Disorder than girls.


Ванюшина Е. А., Гончарова М. А. .pdf

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