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Published June 18, 2020 | Version v1
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Quasi-liquid crystals of electrons and positrons

  • 1. Sapienza University of Rome


This work concerns the discovery of a time-domain "anomaly" in the Infra-Red synchrotron radiation spectra emitted by electrons and positrons from both the DAPHNE -Factory (Frascati National Laboratories, Italy) and HFL (Hefei Light Source at NSRL(National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, People’s Republic of China).

The study was conducted with the SHT unconventional statistical category calculus system, developed and patented by the present author for the analysis of complex systems. The anomaly found in the IR synchrotron radiation emission profile of each single bunch of electrons and positrons, has been resolved by SHT analysis in two distinct waveform components, one of which is "delayed" by a few hundred of ps with respect to the other.
A detailed and in-depth analysis excludes that the anomaly is the result of systematic errors.
The measured time differences between the two signals leads to an apparent discrepancy in the value of the speed of light in a vacuum.
A deep time series analysis of the anomaly, based on considerations on the coherent emission of synchrotron radiation (CSR), demonstrates the existence of a distribution of structures and degrees of freedom inside a bunch of particles. This evidence is in contrast with the "rigid bunch" model (J. Schwinger 1945). We therefore propose a model called "CFNM" (Coherent Fractal Nematic Mesophase), which describes the transition from a phase of maximum symmetry to a condensed phase, homologous to the nematic mesophase of liquid crystals.

This model could have significant consequences in the study, modeling and measurement of the operating parameters of future machines and collectors of accelerators, in particular with regard to emission and brightness.


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