Published August 14, 2020 | Version 4
Dataset Open

ENTSO-E Hydropower modelling data (PECD) in CSV format


PECD Hydro modelling

This repository contains a more user-friendly version of the Hydro modelling data released by ENTSO-E with their latest Seasonal Outlook.

The original URLs:

The original ENTSO-E hydropower dataset integrates the PECD (Pan-European Climate Database) released for the MAF 2019

As I did for the wind & solar data, the datasets released in this repository are only a more user- and machine-readable version of the original Excel files. As avid user of ENTSO-E data, with this repository I want to share my data wrangling efforts to make this dataset more accessible.

Data description

The zipped file contains 86 Excel files, two different files for each ENTSO-E zone.

In this repository you can find 6 CSV files:

  • PECD-hydro-capacities.csv: installed capacities
  • PECD-hydro-weekly-inflows.csv: weekly inflows for reservoir and open-loop pumping
  • PECD-hydro-daily-ror-generation.csv: daily run-of-river generation
  • PECD-hydro-weekly-reservoir-min-max-generation.csv: minimum and maximum weekly reservoir generation
  • PECD-hydro-weekly-reservoir-levels.csv: weekly reservoir levels
  • PECD-hydro-weekly-reservoir-min-max-uniform-levels.csv: weekly minimum and maximum reservoir levels to use outside the climate years


The file PECD-hydro-capacities.csv contains: run of river capacity (MW) and storage capacity (GWh), reservoir plants capacity (MW) and storage capacity (GWh), closed-loop pumping/turbining (MW) and storage capacity and open-loop pumping/turbining (MW) and storage capacity. The data is extracted from the Excel files with the name starting with PEMM from the following sections:

  • sheet Run-of-River and pondage, rows from 5 to 7, columns from 2 to 5
  • sheet Reservoir, rows from 5 to 7, columns from 1 to 3
  • sheet Pump storage - Open Loop, rows from 5 to 7, columns from 1 to 3
  • sheet Pump storage - Closed Loop, rows from 5 to 7, columns from 1 to 3


The file PECD-hydro-weekly-inflows.csv contains the weekly inflow (GWh) for the climatic years 1982-2017 for reservoir plants and open-loop pumping. The data is extracted from the Excel files with the name starting with PEMM from the following sections:

  • sheet Reservoir, rows from 13 to 66, columns from 16 to 51
  • sheet Pump storage - Open Loop, rows from 13 to 66, columns from 16 to 51

Daily run-of-river

The file PECD-hydro-daily-ror-generation.csv contains the daily run-of-river generation (GWh). The data is extracted from the Excel files with the name starting with PEMM from the following sections:

  • sheet Run-of-River and pondage, rows from 13 to 378, columns from 15 to 51

Miminum and maximum reservoir generation

The file PECD-hydro-weekly-reservoir-min-max-generation.csv contains the minimum and maximum generation (MW, weekly) for reservoir-based plants for the climatic years 1982-2017. The data is extracted from the Excel files with the name starting with PEMM from the following sections:

  • sheet Reservoir, rows from 13 to 66, columns from 196 to 231
  • sheet Reservoir, rows from 13 to 66, columns from 232 to 267

Reservoir levels

The file PECD-hydro-weekly-reservoir-levels.csv contains the minimum, maximum and the exact reservoir levels at beginning of each week (scaled coefficient from 0 to 1) for each climate year. The data is extracted from the Excel files with the name starting with PEMM from the following sections:

  • sheet Reservoir, rows from 13 to 66, column 340 to 375
  • sheet Reservoir, rows from 13 to 66, column 376 to 411
  • sheet Reservoir, rows from 13 to 66, column 412 to 447

Reservoir levels

The file PECD-hydro-weekly-reservoir-min-max-uniform-levels.csv contains the minimum, maximum and the exact reservoir levels at beginning of each week (scaled coefficient from 0 to 1). The number are supposed to be used when climate years cannot be used (e.g. outside the range 1982-2017). The data is extracted from the Excel files with the name starting with PEMM from the following sections:

  • sheet Reservoir, rows from 14 to 66, column 12
  • sheet Reservoir, rows from 14 to 66, column 13


[2020/08/14] Added missing inflows for some countries (including Norway)
[2020/07/20] The old reservoir levels have been renamed 'uniform' consisting with the PECD source data. Added min, max and exact levels
[2020/07/17] Added maximum generation for the reservoir



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Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.3702418 (DOI)