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Published August 21, 2017 | Version Published
Journal article Open

Identifying and understanding attitudinal diversity on multi-functional changes in woodlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians

  • 1. Environmental Network Limited, Alford
  • 2. James Hutton Institute
  • 3. Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv
  • 4. University of Oulu, Oulu


This paper advances existing knowledge of stakeholder attitudes towards ecosystem-based forest strategies and management practices in marginalized mountain areas of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The principal research question was to analyse the state of affairs regarding multi-functional changes in upland woodlands, as viewed by relevant stakeholders. An ultimate goal was to assist decision-makers in evaluation (e.g. through stakeholder evaluation using the suggested method) and implementation (through stakeholder engagement) of sustainable policy and management decisions. The Q-method, with the sequential application of its correlation and factor analytical tools, was applied to elucidate a range of existing attitudes (e.g. towards the expansion of woodlands under climate change and other drivers) and the spectrum of sustainability (its ecological, economic and social components) to which they relate. Dominant attitudes of representatives of relevant stakeholder groups towards multi-functional changes in forestry in the Carpathian Mountains were revealed and analysed. Key factors influencing the attitudinal diversity were explained. The results improve our understanding of stakeholder priorities and of commonalities and differences in existing attitudes/perceptions, providing some indication of how the diversity of attitudes towards forestry changes (e.g. integration of woodlands in mountain landscapes) could potentially influence sustainable forestry decisions. At times, entirely opposite attitudes (e.g. of the so-called Conservationists and Productivists attitudinal groups) towards forestry practices and key objectives of forestry in the Carpathian uplands were revealed. However, people put strong emphasis on multi-functional forestry offering a range of benefits to people, the environment and the economy.


Final published paper available in Climate Research 73:45-56 (2017), at: Cite this article as: Nijnik A, Nijnik M, Kopiy S, Zahvoyska L, Sarkki S, Kopiy L, Miller D (2017) Identifying and understanding attitudinal diversity on multi-functional changes in woodlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Clim Res 73:45-56.


Identifying and Understanding Attitudinal Diversity on Multi-functional Changes in Woodlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians.pdf

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SIMRA – Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas 677622
European Commission