Data of "Accuracy of predicting chemical body composition of growing pigs by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry"
- 1. Agroscope
Data set for article "Accuracy of predicting chemical body composition of growing pigs by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry" (DOI). Data set of Swiss Large White entire male pigs for nutrient composition (water, lipid, N, ash, Ca and P) determined by wet-chemistry and body composition (lean mass, body mineral content and fat tissue mass) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in the empty body of live pigs and (N=61) in pig carcasses (N=68) within a body weight range from 20 to 100 kg.
metadata.xlsx: description of variables in the data sets
emptybody.txt: corresponds to contents of the empty body at slaughter (three days after DXA live scans) and DXA live scans
Carcass.txt: corresponds to carcass contents and DXA carcass scans on the day of slaughter