Published August 10, 2020 | Version 1.0
Dataset Restricted

Aerosol and meteo parameters collected with a tethered baloon at Ny Alesund

  • 1. università di perugia
  • 2. ISP-CNR


The produced dataset (ASCII format) contains vertical profiles of aerosol and meteo parameters in the Arctic Boundary Layer at Ny Alesund (Svalbard Archipelago) during spring 2016.

Vertical profiles were collected with a tetheread balloon system equipped with a custom instrumented payload (Mazzola et al., 2016) at Gruvebadet observatory (78.918' °N, 11.895' °E; 61m above sea level), which is located 800 m south-west of the Ny-Ãlesund research village.

Data set include 35 vertical profiles carried out during the period from 04 to 25 April 2016. Values are provided as average values on a vertical grid of 50 meters and are organized in files where the values for a specific parameter are provided for all 35 profiles.


Parameters provided are:

equivalent Black Carbon concentration (BC_single_ave.txt) unit ng/m-3

atmospheric temperature (t_single_ave.txt) unit °K

atmospheric potential temperature (pott_single_ave_txt) unit °K

atmospheric relative humidity (rh_single_ave_txt) unit %

atmospheric wind speed (ws_single_ave.txt) unit m/sec

atmospheric pressure (p_single_ave.txt) unit KPa


All files have the same column structure:


column 1 Date (AAAA-MM-DD)

column 2 Time (HH:MM:SS) in CET

column 3 middle height of the layer (m)

column 4 50 m layer average of measured parameter (see the file name and units above)

column 5 number of values determining the 50m layer average

column 6 standard deviation


columns are separated by tabs

an empty row separate one profile from another


a first row report the file header

data time height field nval stdev





Mazzola M., Busetto M., Ferrero L., Viola A.P., Cappelletti D. (2016), AGAP: an atmospheric gondola for aerosol profiling, Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2016) 27 (Suppl 1):S105–S113 DOI 10.1007/s12210-016-0514-x



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