Published February 1, 2011 | Version v1
Report Open

The tenure-track system: 'from good to great'. A review and recommendations by the Assistant Professors at EPFL



This report presents a thorough review of the tenure-track system at EPFL and was conducted by the tenure-track assistant professors (PATTs) at this institution with emphasis on current practices in each Faculty regarding 1) clarity, transparency and implementation of the tenure promotion procedure; 2) pre-tenure evaluation procedures (annual and midterm reviews) and 3) mentoring and support of junior faculty. The focus was on the process leading to the official tenure evaluation rather than the tenure evaluation itself. Detailed polling of the PATTs was conducted and analyzed; the salient results are presented in this report. The primary objective of this exercise was to propose recommendations to improve clarity, transparency and practice where needed. The complete survey results, graphs and analyses, best practices and examples of adapted implementations for EPFL are presented in the appendices. Below is a summary of the main findings and recommendations by the PATTs. 

Job and career satisfaction

The majority of PATTs indicated that they were very satisfied with the overall hiring process, their career advancement and the efforts made by EPFL and their respective Faculties to help them establish their research programs. The results from the PATT survey indicate that more progress could be made to improve interactions between junior and senior faculty. Implementing an EPFL-wide mentoring program would partially address this issue.

Clarity and transparency of the tenure process

A study of the tenure process at top research universities, carried out by the Collaborative On Academic Careers Higher Education (COACHE), revealed that a clearly defined path to tenure and academic promotion is a key factor for job satisfaction and success of junior faculty, and an effective tool for faculty recruitment and retention. The survey polling PATTs at EPFL was in line with the results reported at other institutions. The PATTs as a group see as beneficial the creation of a document stating clearly and comprehensively, to the extent possible, the expectations for PATTs and detailed procedures for pre-tenure evaluations and the final tenure review. 

Annual Reviews

Current EPFL regulations require that the Deans conduct and maintain a written record of an annual performance interview. In this report, the annual performance interview was defined by three criteria (Appendix 1). As such, this procedure is not being implemented in most of the Faculties at EPFL (except ENAC and IC). PATTs recommend the implementation of a structured two-step annual review procedure that encourages the PATTs to critically assess their academic and research accomplishments, teaching duties and performance as well as progress towards tenure. The first step (informal) applies to the time period prior to the midterm review, and the second (formal) to that after the midterm review.

Midterm Reviews

A midterm review of PATTs is not currently required as part of the tenure evaluation process at EPFL. Several Faculties have initiated midterm evaluation procedures, but the objectives and mechanisms of implementation vary significantly from one Faculty to another. The PATTs recommend the implementation of a formal midterm evaluation process that resembles the actual tenure process, but not necessarily including the solicitation of letters from outside experts. The aim of this process should be to 1) provide the PATT with critical feedback concerning their progress towards achieving tenure; 2) identify red flags and alert the PATT to potential problems that could negatively impact their chances of achieving tenure and 3) identify how the Institute and/or Faculty could support the PATT to address these issues. 



In contrast to other top research universities and engineering institutes, no mentoring program is in place at EPFL, with the exception of the Faculty of Basic Sciences (FSB). The mentoring system at FSB is one-on-one and formal; i.e., mentors are assigned to PATTs by the Institute Directors, typically without consultation with the PATT. PATTs recommend establishing a voluntary but well-structured, two-step mentoring program at all EPFL Faculties. The first step is designed to facilitate the integration of PATTs into the EPFL community during the first year of their employment. The second step is intended to provide them with assistance and guidance to excel in their field and achieve their career goals, including tenure promotion. Senior faculty should be strongly encouraged to actively participate in mentoring by their Dean. The PATTs also see the mentoring program as an important strategy for maximizing the return on the substantial investment made by EPFL for each PATT as well as a means of fostering a sense of community across campus. 

General Recommendations

1. Adherence to the written rules should be ensured.

2. The timeliness of the process according to the written rules should be respected.

3. A set of shared EPFL values as well as transparent and fair processes should be integral components of the tenure process in each Faculty. 

4. An annual and midterm review process should be implemented in each Faculty in a manner appropriate for that particular group of faculty members.

5. An EPFL-wide mentoring program should be established.

6. A Faculty Handbook containing all relevant information but, most importantly, a tenure and academic promotion section should be assembled.


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