Published August 5, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Methylation and accessibility profiling of GM12878, MCF-10A, MCF-7, and MDA-MB-231 using nanopore sequencing

  • 1. Johns Hopkins University
  • 2. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
  • 3. Baylor College of Medicine
  • 4. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine


Probing epigenetic features on long molecules of DNA has tremendous potential to advance our understanding of the phased epigenome. In this study, we evaluate CpG methylation and chromatin accessibility simultaneously on long strands of DNA using GpC methyltransferase to exogenously label open chromatin, coupled with nanopore sequencing technology. We performed nanopore sequencing of Nucleosome Occupancy and Methylome (nanoNOMe) on four human cell lines (GM12878, MCF-10A, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231), and demonstrate the ability to directly measure methylation and chromatin accessibility in genomic features such as structural variations and repetitive elements. The long single-molecule resolution allows footprinting of protein and nucleosome binding and determining the combinatorial promoter epigenetic state on individual molecules. Long-read sequencing makes it possible to robustly assign reads to haplotypes, enabling allele-specific epigenetic analysis across the genome. We use existing SNV data on GM12878 to present the first fully phased human Probing epigenetic features on long molecules of DNA has tremendous potential to advance our understanding of the phased epigenome. We evaluate CpG methylation and chromatin accessibility simultaneously on long strands of DNA using GpC methyltransferase to exogenously label open chromatin, coupled with nanopore sequencing technology. We performed nanopore sequencing of Nucleosome Occupancy and Methylome (nanoNOMe) on four human cell lines (GM12878, MCF-10A, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231), and demonstrate the ability to directly measure methylation and chromatin accessibility in genomic features such as structural variations and repetitive elements. The long single-molecule resolution allows footprinting of protein and nucleosome binding and determining the combinatorial promoter epigenetic state on individual molecules. Long-read sequencing makes it possible to robustly assign reads to haplotypes, enabling allele-specific epigenetic analysis across the genome. We use existing SNV data on GM12878 to present the first fully phased human epigenome, consisting of chromosome-level allele-specific profiles of CpG methylation and chromatin accessibility.mosome-level allele-specific profiles of CpG methylation and chromatin accessibility.


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National Institutes of Health
Nanopore based profiling of epigenetic state 5R01HG009190-02