Published January 9, 2019 | Version 1.0
Report Open

Barriers and Pathways to Community Engagement

  • 1. Trinity College Dublin
  • 2. DARIAH-EU


From 2014 - Jan 2017, the DARIAH Community Engagement Working Group was primarily used as an outreach and dissemination activity for VCC2. However, since February 2017, the WG widened its remit, following the increased strategic focus of DARIAH shifting into methods of growing the network and increasing sustainability and dissemination. Therefore, the WG"s focus shifted towards investigating new research communities that have previously not engaged with DARIAH, looking at how we can bring them into this network, what barriers prevented them from doing so, and how we can overcome them.


This work was funded through the DARIAH Working Groups funding scheme 2017-18.


Community Engagement Report 2017-2018 ONLINE version.pdf

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