Published November 23, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Women Entrepreneurship Behind the Veil: Strategies and Challenges in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • 1. Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, FEA, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This paper highlights the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and their future prospects. The emergence of women entrepreneur and their contribution to the national economy is quite visible in Saudi Arabia. Women have become aware of their existence, their rights & their work situations. Though women entrepreneurship and the formation of women business networks is growing rapidly, still there are a number of challenges like lack of finances, economic issues, cultural issues,  fierce competition, the negative international outlook, cash flow etc. The study utilized a survey questionnaire in gathering primary data. The sample of 278 women entrepreneurs were surveyed. The study found out that the basic issue prioritized by the women entrepreneurs was training and development; the characteristic of approaches in dealing with their ventures, practices and activities. Women entrepreneurs should make a success of their organization and help for economic progress of their countries. Recent developments indicate a clear strategic direction of policy makers and development plans in Saudi Arabia towards an even greater role for women in public life and into top leadership positions in public domains. This paper attempts to identify the challenges and opportunities that women entrepreneur face in Saudi Arabia.


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