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Published March 31, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The constitutional foundations of judiciary in Ukraine

  • 1. Institute of State and Law V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The article is devoted to the constitutional foundations of judiciary in Ukraine. According to article 6 of the Constitution of Ukraine, state power in Ukraine is divided into three main branches – legislative, еxecutive and justice. For each of these branches there is a corresponding system of foundations and principles that determine their essence and specific features of organization and functioning of the mechanism of the state. They play a key role for the judiciary in Ukraine. Appropriate due to the main objective of the national judiciary – a provision of the capacity for each person to exercise their right to a fair trial,based on the rule of law.

Considering the issues, it is first necessary to pay attention to the essence of the concepts "foundations" and "principle" as constitutional categories. It should be noted, that these concepts have the same meaning for the expression of fundamental ideas and leadership directions of the organization and functioning of all basic constitutional legal institutions in Ukraine. The concept of the constitutional foundations of justice in Ukraine, given the position on the advisability of securing the appropriate category in the position of art.129 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which is a basic  norm in the system of foundations and principles of the judicial branch of power and its legal effect on the reflection, is refined in laws and  procedural codes.

Now the issue of the constitutional foundations of justice in Ukraine and their impact on the judiciary is considered in a significant amount of research in the field of science of constitutional law of Ukraine. The corresponding trend and the relevance of the question of the constitutional principles of justice are due to the constant development of constitutionalism and the process of reform of the judiciary in Ukraine. However, it must be concluded, that the constitutional foundations of judiciary, which are presented in art.129 of the Constitution of Ukraine is the basis of the foundations and principles of justice in Ukraine, which determine the organization and functioning of judiciary at the constitutional level, and are also constitutional guarantees of protection of rights and interests of people in court proceedings


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