Published July 17, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

From new documents to the history of the Siverian region (17th–18th centuries) (part 19)


The purpose of this publication is to introduce into scientific circulation important documents created by Hetmans of Ukraine Ivan Mazepa, Danylo Apostol, Kyryl Rozumovsky, a number of colonels and other officers of the Hetmanate. Their publication allows to supplement the “Ukrainian Diplomatary of the 16th–18th centuries», and the publication of the latter is one of the urgent tasks of Ukrainian archeography. Various business documents of the Hetmanate (merchants, complaints, etc.) are also published. In addition, the information capabilities of these sources are analyzed, especially valuable evidence is identified. The scientific novelty is closely related to the above purpose, as for the first time archival, unpublished sources are introduced into scientific circulation, which are stored in the collections of the Institute of Manuscripts of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, National Museum of History of Ukraine, archives of Poland (Archive of the Main Acts of the Ancients in Warsaw, Czartoryski Museum in Krakow). For the first time important facts from the socio-economic, military-political, church history of Ukraine of the last quarter of the 17th–18th centuries are established, the activity of judicial bodies, everyday life of the Ukrainian people is considered. As a result of the research, knowledge about the military actions of the time of the Ruin, Chyhyryn campaigns, diplomatic activity of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, participation of Ukrainians in the campaigns of the Russian army of the 18th century was supplemented.
A group of documents concerning the Starodub region is especially important. This ethnic Ukrainian land is now part of Russia and everything possible is being done there to erase the memory of its historical affiliation. In Ukraine itself, the history of the Starodub region has not been studied for a long time and now these studies are just beginning.


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