- 1. State Higher Educational Institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"
- 2. niprovsky State Agrarian and Economic University
The approach to the choice of rational management of high-rise building construction, which ensures the effective use of resources, was developed. This approach is aimed at ensuring cost-effectiveness, energy-saving, quality, safety, and environmental friendliness of high-rise buildings.
It was proposed to solve such tasks based on the search for rational decisions that correspond most to desirable (assigned) technical and economic characteristics (indicators), based on the application of statistical modeling of projects as manageable processes. At the same time, it is advisable to take into consideration the influence of determining organizational-technological, technical, and managerial factors. To assess decisions regarding these factors, it is necessary to find a rational value of management efficiency criterion. From the customer’s (investor’s) position, it is advisable to consider the minimum cost of high-rise building construction.
It was proposed to consider the impact of the factors of quality, safety, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, optimal maintenance of a high-rise building. The sufficiency and essence of the impact of these factors on making rational decisions in the management of high-rise building construction projects were substantiated by the results of the expert questioning.
Mathematical models, based on the consideration of the systemic influence of determining factors, were obtained. These models provide an opportunity to assess numerically the level of achievement of the assigned results, in particular, by the criterion of high-rise building construction, at various stages of project management.
The obtained results are relevant because they make it possible to reach the rational values of the desired indicators under specific conditions of execution of construction and mounting works within specified resource restrictions. By operating predictive estimates of the expected results, investors have the opportunity to adjust their goals and choose the most rational variant of the investment-construction project.
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