Published January 16, 2019 | Version v1
Poster Open Towards P2P Collaborative Live Programming Environment for WebXR

  • 1. Fund for Supporting Development of Russian Technology Vologda, Russia


WebVR and WebXR are the new standards of Virtual/Augment/Mixed Reality for the Web Browser. A wide variety of head mounted displays, motion controllers, mobile and standalone headsets bring that technology to the masses. But software engineering was not ready for these new challenges. Web applications become look like desktop apps with all advantages and disadvantages of application-centric approach. For example, using existed React VR or A-Frame libraries, someone could easily create a rich Web app, but it will lack of self-exploratory environment, multi-user collaboration and live programming at runtime mode. To address this problem, we propose to use the Virtual World’s concept for WebXR applications development. Virtual World as the new computational paradigm blurs the borders between application and hosted environment, runtime and development mode. The Virtual Worlds in conjunction with WebXR technologies offers to both programmers and domain experts nearly unlimited capabilities for creating novel computer-based simulated environments just in Web browser. Virtual time, user-defined meta language, live coding, avatar, selfexploratory environment become the new crucial concepts of the Web applications. This paper introduces the prototype of pure-decentralized P2P collaborative, live programming environment: Having the tight integration of A-Frame, Virtual World Framework, Gun DB storage system and Ohm language, it provides all-in-one solution for development of creative applications in modern Web standards for virtual reality.



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