Published July 15, 2020 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

E-RIHS PP D10.1 Design, Development and implementation of the dissemination and communication strategy


Task 10.1 “Design, development and implementation of the dissemination and communica- tion strategy”, of the WP10 “Advocacy, Communication and Dissemination”, will prepare and implement the E-RIHS’ communication and dissemination strategy to communities of users and stakeholders and dedicated public engagement. It will be based on feedback obtained through periodic meetings with users, stakeholders and national hubs representatives as well.

So far under process:

The formation of Social Networks, as well as the usage of a web-based project management application (, for internal communication.

The development of tailored strategies for stakeholders, through digital and physical chan- nels of communication in a dialogue with national E-RIHS representatives and National Hubs.

The creation of critical mass of information and their dissemination at conferences, events, through digital and physical media, etc. in order to assure its presentation to citizens, re- searchers, investors, private and public bodies, institutions, academic universities or re- search centres wishing to collaborate with E-RIHS.


D10.1 E-RIHS Design, development and imple- mentation of the dissemination and com- munication strategy.pdf