Published July 14, 2020 | Version 2.0
Lesson Open

Materialien zu einer Wortschatzstudie mit Anfängern im Lateinunterricht (Lehrbuch VIVA)

  • 1. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


The example lesson materials contain (- developed for each textbook unit)

  1. a context-based introduction to new vocabulary (Latin context, basic form and grammar, German context as a cloze type, white space for German meanings),
  2. worksheets to enhance the vocabulary competence of the students, and
  3. a context-based vocabulary test (with intra-/ interlingual and metacognitive tasks).

The intervention study (pretest, lesson material, posttest) was conducted over a period of one school year (2018-2019) in two 5th grades of a high-school in Berlin, Germany.

Note: Regarding the studies, vocabulary competence is understood in a broad sense referring to the storing and retrieving from the mental lexicon (i.e. different word levels: form, function, concept).

Version 2.0: Errors have been corrected.


Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), project number 316618374.



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Is new version of
10.5281/zenodo.3751708 (DOI)
Is supplemented by
10.5281/zenodo.3751690 (DOI)