Published July 14, 2020 | Version 1.0.0
Report Open

Exchange DMPs between DMP Tools using the RDA Common Standard

  • 1. (DMPRoadmap - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique
  • 2. Data Stewardship Wizard
  • 3. DMPRoadmap - Digital Curation Centre
  • 4. OpenDMP
  • 5. EasyDMP
  • 6. DMPRoadmap - California Digital Library
  • 7. Haplo


The DMP Exchange team comprised developers from many of the popular DMP tools in current use today (DMPTool, DMPonline, DSW, easyDMP and Haplo). The team worked together during the hackathon to determine if the DCS JSON format could be used to exchange DMP metadata between the various systems. The goal was enabling each one of the participating systems to export their data in the maDMP format and, if possible, allowing for the creation of a new DMP from a maDMP import.

This exercise allowed each team to dedicate time towards mapping the maDMP metadata standard to their system’s unique data models. Few systems capture all of the metadata currently included in the maDMP standard; however, they all collect and store this information in different ways. This work allowed the teams to identify gaps which is the first step towards adoption.

The ability for each of the systems to exchange DMP metadata means that they will each in turn be able to exchange this information with any system within the larger RDM ecosystem. Non-DMP specific systems will hopefully recognise the incentive of supporting the maDMP standard if they know that their work will allow them to integrate with all of the various DMP tools.


This report is a summary of work done by the DMP Exchange team at the RDA Hackathon on machine-actionable Data Management Plans that took place between 27th and 29th May 2020


Exchange DMPs between DMP Tools using the RDA Common Standard.pdf

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