Published June 1, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open



This document is the deliverable D2.3 System Requirement Specifications (with traceability matrix) which describes systems requirements for HELMET (High integrity EGNSS Layer for Multimodal Eco-friendly Transportation) solution from viewpoint of high-accuracy and high-integrity EGNSS applications in rail (RAIL) and automotive (AUTO) sectors. The HELMET is mainly focused on ERTMS and automated car driving and supported by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Systems (UAV, UAS) in terms of infrastructure inspection, infrastructure assets monitoring, traffic management, etc. The main HELMET objectives are: 1) to develop a cyber-secured multimodal, multi-sensor integrity monitoring architecture based on EGNSS to introduce High Integrity Location Determination System (LDS) for trains, automobiles and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS/RPAS) automation with the later aggregating the demand of IMTM (Inspection, Monitoring and Traffic Management) for rail and road assets and operations, 2) to assess the system performance by a Proof-of-Concept (PoC), and finally 3) to draw a roadmap for exploitation and future standardization and certification of HELMET results in terms of (a) the designed multi-modal augmentation and integrity monitoring architecture, and (b) high integrity and accuracy OBU algorithms fully customized for land transportation (rail and road) and supporting aerial operations. The system requirement specifications started from the HELMET WP2 CONOPS (Concept of Operations) delivered within the D2.2 document and used for definition and justification of high-level user requirements for RAIL, AUTO and UAV user groups. The purpose of the HELMET CONOPS was to describe the operational needs, views, visions, expectations and high-level requirements of the user’s groups without provision of technical details on HELMET. On the contrary, the intention of this deliverable (D2.3) was to specify detailed technical requirements needed for the HELMET Architecture Design, which is the subject of the Work Package 3. The System Requirements Specification process employed within the HELMET Task 2.2. was based on following activities: • HELMET CONOPS development; • High-level User Requirements specification (as a result of CONOPS); • Identification of general constrains and limitations; • Specification of Logical Concepts and Models for the User’s groups; • Safety analysis for the Logical Concepts for multi-modal applications; • Development of Requirements Traceability Matrices (RTMs) for the maim HELMET User’s groups (RAIL, AUTO, UAVs); • Description and justification of individual Systems Requirements; • Specification of Systems Requirements for High-Level HELMET architecture. The Requirements Traceability Matrices for the individual user’s groups were developed for mapping links and dependences between the high-level User Requirements (D2.1) and the System Requirements in order to facilitate, make transparent and justify the System Requirements Specification process. The specified System Requirements are summarised in Section 5. Section 6 outlines a high-level HELMET architecture with the key safety measures. The architecture will be further developed in detail within WP3. The related RTMs for RAIL, AUTO and UAVs applications and GNSS Augmentation are included in Section 7.


HELMET_D2.3 System Requirements Specification_submitted.pdf

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European Commission
HELMET – High integrity EGNSS Layer for Multimodal Eco-friendly Transportation 870257