Published July 12, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

BY70-2 UHF telemetry beacon IQ recording 2020-07-12


This is a recording the UHF beacon of the satellite BY70-02 (also known as BY02). The satellite transmits a beacon every 35 seconds at a frequency of 436.200 MHz. The recording was made on 2020-07-12 11:39:50 UTC from Tres Cantos (Madrid), Spain (approximately latitude 40.595865ºN, longitude 3.699069ºW).

The recording has been made using an Arrow 7 element yagi and a FUNcube Dongle Pro+ connected to the antenna via a 1m coaxial cable run. The antenna was always held in the horizontal polarization (with respect to the local horizon) and aimed by hand.

The recording is in the RAW format used by the Linrad software. This consists of a 41 byte header followed by the stream of IQ samples as little endian 16 bit signed integers. The sample rate is 192ksps and the centre frequency 436.152kHz, so that the signal of interest is at 48kHz within the passband.

Doppler correction has been applied using the TLE

1 45857U 20042B   20193.85379087  .00000513  00000-0  81606-4 0  9993
2 45857  98.0133 266.8074 0010022 223.4288 136.6116 14.76202005  1284


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