Published July 11, 2020 | Version 1.0
Other Open

A Letter of Concern Regarding Increased Risk of COVID-19 Among Users of Proton Pump Inhibitors by Almario, Chey, and Spiegel

  • 1. HRB Clinical Research Facility Cork. School of Public Health, University College Cork
  • 2. Department of Family Medicine, Western University
  • 3. Grant Family Medicine - Columbus, OH


We are writing to share our concerns about a recent paper entitled Increased Risk of COVID-19 Among Users of Proton Pump Inhibitors by Almario, Chey, and Spiegel (hereby the authors) which will soon be published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. The research, taken at face value, suggests that the risk of COVID-19 is increased for adults taking Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs). However, there are multiple irregularities about the underlying data that give pause. Because the current version of the paper appears to have been peer reviewed but is not yet final, we wanted to raise these concerns prior to the paper’s final publication. 


In response to:


A Letter of Concern Regarding Increased Risk of COVID-19 Among Users of Proton Pump Inhibitors by Almario, Chey, and Spiegel.pdf