Published July 7, 2020 | Version v1
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Tree measurements and summaries of the field plots used to develop Rojo and Montero (1996) yield tables for Pinus sylvestris L. in central Spain

  • 1. Dep. Enxeñaría Agroforestal, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 27002, Lugo, Spain
  • 2. Researcher. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria. Madrid, Spain. Forest Research Centre
  • 1. Forest Engineering Resources and Management, College of Forestry, Oregon State University. Snell 304, 2150 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR, USA.
  • 2. College of Forestry and Natural Environment, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid, Spain
  • 3. Bangor University, School of Natural Sciences. Thoday building, LL57 2UW Bangor, UK


Tree measurements for principal trees and trees marked for thinning and summaries of the Pinus silvestris L. plots measured for the construction of Rojo and Montero (1996) Pinus sylvestris L. yield tables for central Spain. PRM_Functions.R contains R functions implementing parameter recovery methods to transform Rojo and Montero (1996) Pinus sylvestris L. yield tables into a diameter distribution model.

Trees.csv: Comma separated file with headers in the first row. Each record represents a measured tree. Fields:

  • "PlotID": Identifier of the plot where the tree was measured
  • "Type": Code indicating if the tree was marked for thinning.
  • "ID_tree" Tree_Identifier
  • "DBH1": First Diameter at breast height measurement for the tree.(mm)
  •  "DBH2"  Second diameter at breast height measurement for the tree. The second measurement was taken in the direction perpendicular to the first measurement. (mm)
  • "DBHmean": Mean of DBH 1 and DBH 2 and converted to cm (cm)

Plot_summaries.csv: Comma separated file with headers in the first row. Data digitized from Annex II of Rojo and Montero (1996). Each record contains different forest attributes of the plot. Fields:

  • "PlotID": Identifier of the plot where the tree was measured
  • "Age": Age of the plot determined from tree cores (Years)
  • "Ho" Assman Dominant height for the plot (meters)
  • "SiteIndex": Site index for the plot in meters. Site index is defined as the dominant height in meters measured or expected for the plot for an Age of 100 years.
  • "MeanH"  Mean tree height (m)
  • "Dg"  Quadratic mean diameter (cm)
  • "Do"  Dominant diameter. Mean diameter of the 100 largest trees of a hectare (cm)
  • "N" Stand density (trees per hectare)
  • "G" Plot basal area (m2/ha)
  • "V" Total plot volume per unit area (m3/ha)
  • "DeltaV" Periodic increment of merchantable volume (m3/ha)
  • "Bark" Average percentage of total volume that is Bark. (%)

PRM_Functions.R: R functions to solve parameter recovery systems of equations based on mean and quadratic mean diameter and dominant diameter, quadratic mean diameter and stand density. Details provided as comments.


Rojo Alberto, Montero G (1996) El pino silvestre en la Sierra de Guadarrama: historia y selvicultura de los Pinares de Cercedilla, Navacerrada y Valsain. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Secretaria General Tecnica, Centro de Publicaciones, Madrid



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  • Rojo Alberto, Montero G (1996) El pino silvestre en la Sierra de Guadarrama: historia y selvicultura de los Pinares de Cercedilla, Navacerrada y Valsain. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Secretaria General Tecnica, Centro de Publicaciones, Madrid