Published March 31, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Effect of Cryotherapy versus Ultrasound Therapy in Lateral Epicondylitis: A Comparative Study

  • 1. Assistant Professor, Ananya College of Physiotherapy, KIRC Campus Kalol, Gandhinagar
  • 2. Senior Lecturer, Government Physiotherapy College, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad


Background: Lateral epicondylitis is the most common overuse syndrome occurring in lateral side of the elbow region. Pain occurs at the lateral epicondyle from where common extensor tendon originates. It is also known as tennis elbow.
Individuals from mechanical profession and sports (such as tennis) or recreational activities who are prone to repetitive stress and vigorous use of forearm muscles are tend to have lateral epicondylitis.
Usually dominant arm is affected with the equal incidence among males and females. Patients may complain of gradual onset of pain and often appearing after vigorous activity. Diagnosis can be made by history and the tests which reproduces the pain. Treatment of lateral epicondylitis includes both the conservative and surgical approaches. Electrotherapeutic modalities are most commonly used for treating pain at the affected side.
However, agreement on a clearly superior modality has not been substantiated in the literature. So, this study was conducted to compare the effect of Cryotherapy and the ultrasound therapy in patients with lateral epicondylitis.
Methodology: 22 patients with lateral epicondylitis were included by convenience sampling after taking ethical approval for the present study. The patients were then equally divided in to two groups. Along with the conventional physiotherapy, patients in GROUP A were given Cryotherapy, while GROUP B ultrasound was given for 2 weeks. Pre and post interventional outcome measures in terms of NPRS, PPT (in kg) and PRTEE score were evaluated. Data of 22 patients were analyzed after the completion of the treatment.
Result: At the end of 2 weeks, patients in both the groups showed reduction in pain and improvement in hand functions, movements of elbow and wrist joint. Here, both the groups showed statistically significant improvement. (p<0.05)
Conclusion: Ultrasound therapy and cryoflow along with conventional physiotherapy helps in reducing pain and improving function and movements in patients with lateral epicondylitis.



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