LIBER 2020 - Workshop: Integrate FAIR Data science competences in higher education curricula: the role of academic and research libraries
- 2. University of Minho
- 3. EUA
- 4. University of Lille Library
- 5. EPFL Library
- 6. Open Science Platform, Poland
- 7. University Turku Library
These are the slides from the LIBER 2020 Workshop, Integrate FAIR Data science competences in higher education curricula: the role of academic and research libraries.
Session Description:
FAIRsFAIR is organizing a set of stakeholders workshops with organisations which develop and offer Open Science and FAIR data education and trainings. Data collected through FAIRsFAIR confirms that research and academic libraries are usually the main partner in the provision of training and support for research data management inside universities.
Data also shows that universities are very interested in advancing data science/management competencies at bachelor, master and doctoral stage. This workshop, jointly organized with the LIBER Digital Skills for Library Staff & Researchers Working Group co-chairs, seeks to identify and discuss possible approaches to move forward in this area between participants from the LIBER community and FAIRsFAIR.
Organizing parties: University of Minho, EUA – European University Association, University of Göttingen, University Amsterdam
Workshop objectives:
- Identify Open Science and FAIR data education and training initiatives in HEI.
- Define the key elements of an institutional strategy towards the integration of FAIR Data competences in higher education curricula.
FAIRsFAIR – Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe – ( aims to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle. Emphasis is on fostering FAIR data culture and the uptake of good practices in making data FAIR. FAIRsFAIR will play a key role in the development of global standards for FAIR certification of repositories and the data within them contributing to those policies and practices that will turn the EOSC programme into a functioning infrastructure.
FAIR Workshop - LIBER_workshop_22062020_mentimeter_final.pdf
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