Published July 1, 2020 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Plurality and pluractionality in Sandawe verbs

  • 1. SIL International



Number marking in Sandawe verbs is by suppletion or suffixation. Some intransitive verbs mark subject number by suppletion and some transitive verbs mark object number by suppletion. Object marking suffixes show person, number, gender and animacy. The third person plural inanimate object morpheme -wáː is formally similar to the pluractional suffix -wà, which attaches to a verb to indicate multiple occurrences of the action of the verb. This presentation considers the distribution and functions of these number marking devices with reference to examples from text data.


Note: This talk has not gone through a process of peer review, and findings should therefore be treated as preliminary and subject to change. Acknowledgement and citation: Eaton, Helen. 2020. Plurality and pluractionality in Sandawe verbs. Talk given at the Rift Valley Network Webinar Series. 01/07/2020.



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