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Published June 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. 1Devsthali Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy, Lalpur, Rudrapur, U.S.Nagar, Uttarakhand. 2School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IFTM University Moradabad.


Herbal drugs have been most important selectiom of medicine in all cultures from ancient times. Various plant extract have been observed to show a multiplicity of biological activity such as immunomodulator activity, hepatoprotective activity, antilipidemic activity etc.  Plant extract great bioactivity in-vitro, but poor bioactivity in-vivo or in animal models. Basic reasons for the poor bioactivity of herbal extracts are that the bioactive components of these herbs have multiring molecular structures which cannot be permeate into the blood by simple passive diffusion and the bioactive phytoconstituents are most part water dissolvable, consequently, their destitute lipid dissolvbility. To overcome this drawback pharmaceutical researcher developed novel lipid based drug delivery system is advantageous in delivering the herbal drug at the site of action which minimize the toxic effect and increase the absorption and bioavailability. One delivery system designed to improve the in vivo solubility and hence bioavailability of ineffectively dissolvable herbal drugs involves the incorporation of standardized herbal extracts into phospholipids to form a lipidfriendly complex called a herbosome. The aim of present study is compile all herbosomes related data these are helpful for researchers.


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