Published June 29, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Transcriptome of the tick Ixodes uriae

  • 1. INRAE
  • 2. none
  • 3. CNRS, IRD


Transcriptome of the tick Ixodes uriae. Ticks were collected on three different sites in the arctic region (Grimsey, Gull Island, Hornoya) and in colonies of three different species of sea-birds (common guillemot, kittiwake, puffin).

Ticks samples included nymphs (unfed or fed), adult females (unfed or fed) and adult males, for which RNAs were extracted separately.

Twelve libraries (characterized by a combination Site x Host x Condition) were obtained, by pooling between 5 and 30 individuals.

Five RNA-Seq de novo assemblies were obtained with Trinity (corresponding to five different Site x Host combinations. Then a meta-assembly was obtained with the runMeta program (DRAP software, SIGENAE). This meta-assembly was annotated with Trinotate.



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Access will be allowed upon publication of the relevant study. The manuscript is in preparation as of July, 1st, 2020

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