Arecibo HF experiment H3473 5.1MHz RF recording
These are RF recordings of the experiment H3473 made at Arecibo observatory from 2020-06-24 to 2020-06-26. The description of the experiment can be seen here. The observatory transmitted a CW carrier at 5.1MHz during the experiment in order to artificially excite the ionsophere.
The recordings in this dataset been done with my Amateur radio station, which is located in Tres Cantos (Madrid), Spain, and consists of a Hermes-Lite 2 SDR transceiver and a wire antenna of approximately 15m long. A gain of 12dB was used with the Hermes-Lite 2.
The recording format is single-channel 16bit WAV files at 8kHz sample rate. The receiver was tuned to 5099kHz in USB mode, so the Arecibo signal lies at 1kHz within the passband.
On the recordings corresponding to 2020-06-25 and 2020-06-26 unfortunately there is an interfering CW carrier at the same frequency as Arecibo. The two can be distinguished because the Arecibo signal is keyed on and off every few minutes and is broader in frequency due to Doppler spread.
The dataset includes the following recordings, with approximated start times of:
- arecibo_2020_06_24T21_00_5099kHz.wav Start time 2020-06-24 21:00 UTC
- arecibo_2020_06_25T17_21_5099kHz.wav Start time 2020-06-25 17:21 UTC
- arecibo_2020_06_26T16_51_5099kHz.wav Start time 2020-06-26 16:51 UTC
The experiment schedule was
- 2020-06-24 18:00 to 22:00 UTC
- 2020-06-25 17:00 to 21:00 UTC
- 2020-06-25 17:00 to 21:00 UTC
The recordings last until the end of the experiment on each day.