Published June 30, 2020 | Version v1
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A Collection of Open Science Use Cases

  • 1. Delft University of Technology
  • 2. Maastricht University
  • 3. Netherlands Institute of Ecology
  • 4. Technical University Eindhoven
  • 5. University of Amsterdam
  • 6. Amsterdam University Medical Centers
  • 7. Leiden University Medical Center
  • 8. ASTRON
  • 9. Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • 10. The Netherlands eScience Center
  • 11. SURF
  • 1. Utrecht University
  • 2. Delft University of Technology
  • 3. Netherlands eScience Center
  • 4. Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
  • 5. SURF


The Open Science Awards recognize researchers or research students who have used Open Science to make their research more accessible, transparent or reproducible. In the context of the first National Open Science Festival a call for Use Cases was published allowing all researchers and Phd students from Dutch universities, UMCs and research institutes to submit their use case. The call was looking for use cases that explored challenges and difficulties as well as positive experiences and successful outcomes.

This collection of Use Cases is the result of this call.

Use Cases in this Collection:

  • Open science practices in Majorana research;
  • Studies of Populations of Individuals Birds;
  • A webtool for interactive data visualization and data sharing;
  • Open science and open data for human factors research;
  • cBiT: The Compendium for Biomaterial Transcriptomics;
  • The Student Initiative for Open Science (SIOS);
  • A practical tool for standardising future  costs in economic evaluation;
  • Making open psychological datasets more accessible and useful for research and teaching;
  • An open-source, open-participation competition for Fast Radio Burst detection.



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