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Published June 17, 2020 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Load profile data of 50 industrial plants in Germany for one year

  • 1. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


This dataset holds the electric load profiles of 50 small and mid-size enterprises in Germany. The load profiles are in 15-minute time resolution for one year. The load is shown in kW as an average over 15 minutes.

The dataset is divided into two:

  • LoadProfile_20IPs_2016 shows load profiles of 20 industrial plants (IP) for the year 2016.
  • LoadProfile_30IPs_2017 shows load profiles of 30 industrial plants (IP) for the year 2017.

The IPs from the dataset for 2016 do not reappear in the dataset for 2017.


The dataset LoadProfile_20IPs_2016 is evaluated in the following publication:

  • Covic, N., Braeuer, F., McKenna, R., Pandzic, H., Optimizing Industrial Facilities’ Active Participation
    in Electricity Markets under Uncertainty, 2020.

Both datasets together are evaluated in multiple publications:

  • Braeuer, F., Finck, R., McKenna, R., Comparing empirical and model-based approaches for calculating dynamic grid emission factors: An application to CO2-minimizing storage dispatch in Germany, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 266, 2020, 121588, ISSN 0959-6526,
  • Braeuer, F., Rominger, J., McKenna, R.,Fichtner, W., Battery storage systems: An economic model-based analysis of parallel revenue streams and general implications for industry, Applied Energy, Volume 239, 2019, Pages 1424-1440, ISSN 0306-2619,




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