Published June 17, 2020 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Proses Bisnis dan Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile GIS Berbasis Android untuk Updating Data Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan

  • 1. Universitas Gadjah Mada


Designing is an activity of the step after the needs analysis of the system development cycle which can be in the form of drawing, planning and making a sketch or arrangement of several separate elements into a unified whole and can function. A good application design process should look from different systems development angles, starting from defining the existing business process application, defining the data architecture to be used, defining the application architecture to be built and defining the technology architecture that supports the application. This study aims to develop business processes and design of mobile applications based on android GIS for Land and Building Tax. Methods conducted in this study there are three ways, the first by conducting direct interviews with potential users, then proceed by analyzing business process applications related to existing land and building taxes, and the last stage of doing business process design and conceptual model of application design. Based on the results of data from interviews and experiments android applications related to earth and building tax, it can be made business application process to be built, as well as application design modeled with some UML diagrams such as use case diagrams and activity diagrams. With the existence of business processes, can help understanding the ongoing activities and the results of the analysis of business processes can be used in designing better applications. Business process and design of this application can be developed and implemented in the form of android application so that it can provide benefits for the agency in need.



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