Published June 17, 2020 | Version v1
Poster Open

ARGOS: a collaborative tool to plan and follow your data

  • 1. Athena Research Center, OpenAIRE


The poster states the need for Open and FAIR Research Data Management (RDM). One way this need can be addressed is by writing Data Management Plans (DMPs) and thus RDM literacy can be achieved through the use of DMP tools. Additionally, DMPs are most of the time a requirement for funding or graduation. Hence there is rapid development of DMP tools, deployed by funders or institutions, that embed DMPs in RDM lifecycles and offer support and training throughout the process of data management and documentation. Those tools differ at conceptual (e.g. target audience, functionalities, cost) and/ or technical (e.g. data model, technology) levels.

Argos applies the RDA DMP Common Standard for interoperability which enables users to exchange DMPs with other machine-actionable platforms without losing vital information. Also, Argos closes the DMP lifecycle by being fully integrated with Zenodo and thus offering the option to publish DMPs as outputs in an open and FAIR manner, among other things by assigning DOIs and licenses and by supporting DMPs as living documents through versioning. Moreover, Argos enhances the wealth of information contained in the OpenAIRE Research Graph by creating DMP entities which carry links to underlying outputs, services and semantics ensuring verification and integrity of research.

What is unique in Argos is that it accommodates documentation of more than one datasets per DMP. That way datasets are provided with the flexibility to be described separately, following different templates per type of dataset or research community concerned each time, also possible to be copied and used in multiple DMPs. Datasets are then bundled up in a DMP and can be shared more broadly. Special attention is given to the handling of data that are being re-used via OpenAIRE APIs.

Researchers can freely use Argos and be guided through the completion of their DMP. Libraries and institutions can bring data they produce closer to the DMPs where they are described by connecting their services with Argos and thus exploring its capabilities in full extent.

Next steps of Argos development are interactions with International fora, launch of new domain-specific templates and work on dependencies with other OpenAIRE services, such as the Repository Dashboard.



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