Published September 2, 2019 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Multilingual dynamic topic model

  • 1. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland


Dynamic topic models (DTMs) capture the evolution of topics and trends in time series data. Current DTMs are applicable only to monolingual datasets. In this paper we present the multilingual dynamic topic model (ML-DTM), a novel topic model that combines DTM with an existing multilingual topic modeling method to capture crosslingual topics that evolve across time. We present results of this model on a parallel German-English corpus of news articles and a comparable corpus of Finnish and Swedish news articles. We demonstrate the capability of ML-DTM to track significant events related to a topic and show that it finds distinct topics and performs as well as existing multilingual topic models in aligning cross-lingual topics.



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EMBEDDIA – Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media 825153
European Commission