Published June 14, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

On-Line Measurement of Wood Surface Smoothness

  • 1. InnoRenew CoE, Isola, Slovenia; University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute, Koper, Slovenia
  • 2. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, Gdansk, Poland
  • 3. InnoRenew CoE, Isola, Slovenia; University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Koper, Slovenia
  • 4. SylvaDrewno Sp z o.o., Wiele, Poland


The latest progress in the field of optics and microelectronics resulted in the development of new generation vision systems capable of scanning surface topography with very high sampling frequencies. The blue color of illuminating light as well as novel systems for controlling ultra-thin laser line thickness allows the measurement of the porous surface of wood with a triangulation method. Three alternative sensors were tested here in order to verify their suitability for the determination of surface topography in the industrial environment. The scanning head was installed at the exit zone of the four-side profiling moulder and was set to scrutinize the wood surface shape line-by-line, immediately after profiling. The sensor was also tested for automatic detection of surface defects appearing on the elements after sanding, wetting and painting with various finishing products. The set of pilot test results is presented, together with an original algorithm for real-time surface defects detection.



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European Commission
InnoRenew CoE – Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence 739574