Published June 10, 2020 | Version Version 1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Education Management, Universitas Negeri Semarang,Indonesia
  • 2. Medical Dr. Kariadi Central General Hospital


  • 1. AM Publications


Abstract- It is generally predicted that the academic performance of clinical lecturers of the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery residency program of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Diponegoro-Dr.Kariadi General Hospital has met the standards. However, the student's on-time graduation rate is still low. The existence of this gap requires an accurate and informative model of monitoring and evaluation of the clinical lecturers' academic performance. The purpose of this research was (1) analyzing the factual model of monitoring and evaluation of the clinical lecturers' academic performance, (2) analyzing the hypothetical model of monitoring and evaluation of the clinical lecturers' academic performance as needed, and (3) analyzing the feasibility of the developed monitoring and evaluation model of the clinical lecturers' academic performance of the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery residency program of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Diponegoro-Dr Kariadi General Hospital. The research method used was a research and development design with three main steps, namely a preliminary study to find factual model, development study to find hypothetical model, and feasibility study to find the feasibility of the model. Qualitative approach. The sources of the data in this research were informants (lecturers, students, managers), data on the educational process, behaviour and habits regarding specialist medical education, academic monitoring and evaluation, and documents related to learning activity archives. The data collection techniques/tools used in this research were the interviews/interview guidelines, observations/observation sheets, and documents. Data validity checking was done through triangulation techniques of research resources and tools. Data analysis techniques used in this research was interactive techniques through data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusions. The results showed that (1) factual model of the implementation of monitoring and evaluation (planning, implementation, and evaluation) was still limited to the fulfilment of accreditation for institutions and requirements for promotion and position, (2) the development model of monitoring and evaluation was already directed at meeting the accreditation standards, and strengthening the quantity and quality of student graduate, (3) the feasibility of the monitoring and evaluation model was feasible to be used as a model of monitoring and evaluation of the clinical lecturers' academic performance as needed in the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery residency program of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Diponegoro-Dr Kariadi General Hospital. These results were evidenced by the number of graduates, the on-time graduation rate, and the better quality of the graduates. Suggestions: (1) The need of synergistic collaboration between clinical lecturers and the management of Dr Kariadi General Hospital coordinated by the Education Coordinating Committee of Dr Kariadi General Hospital in implementing the monitoring and evaluation model of the academic performance of clinical lecturers in Dr Kariadi General Hospital, (2) the need of consistency in implementing the monitoring and evaluation guidelines carried out by hospital managers, the Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University, clinical lecturers, and students, (3) the need of a legal platform guaranteeing the continuous implementation of monitoring and evaluation.


Monitoring and evaluating the academic performance of clinical lecturers is one of the most important aspects of quality assurance. The quality assurance system is a systematic effort to monitor and evaluate various aspects of a project, service, or facility to ensure the fulfilment of quality standards[1]. The implementation of monitoring and evaluation of lecturers' performance is part of the governance (management) system towards providing high-quality education. The National Education Standards are the minimum standards determined by the government and must be met including the standards of educators. One of the indicators of success in education is learning achievement and the on-time graduation rate. The academic performance of clinical lecturers is realized in Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education comprising Education, Research, and Community service) [2],[3]. The Specialist Medical Education Program is a continuation of the education of general practitioners specifically in a particular field of medicine, taught by lecturers from the Directorate General of Higher Education and clinical lecturers from the Ministry of Health. Clinical lecturers/clinical teaching lecturers have the responsibility to carry out academic performance in the institution of the Medical Education Program and the Specialist Medical Education Program, to be devoted to specialist services in teaching hospitals, and to complete the supporting assignments [4]. It is generally predicted that the academic performance of clinical lecturers of the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery residency program of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Diponegoro-Dr Kariadi General Hospital has met the standards. However, the student's on-time graduation rate is still low. The existence of this gap requires an accurate and informative model of monitoring and evaluation of the clinical lecturers' academic performance.



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