Published May 11, 2020 | Version v1
Working paper Open

Implementation of Supervised Training Approaches for Monolingual Word Sense Alignment: ACDH-CH System Description for the MWSA Shared Task at GlobaLex 2020

  • 1. Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Vienna


This paper describes our system for monolingual sense alignment across dictionaries. The task of monolingual word sense alignment is presented as a task of predicting the relationship between two senses. We will present two solutions, one based on supervised machine learning, and the other based on pre-trained neural network language model, specifically BERT. Our models perform competitively for binary classification, reporting high scores for almost all languages.


ACDH-CH System Description for the MWSA Shared Task at GlobaLex 2020.pdf

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ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure 731015
European Commission