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Published October 1, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Successful Implementation of Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Banks

  • 1. Middle East University, Amman, Jordan
  • 2. Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, Jordan
  • 3. Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT), Jordan


Corporate Governance is significant in managing the financial sector particularly banks of both the developing and the developed nations. Major corporate collapses worldwide revealed the presence of weak corporate governance system. The researcher conducted survey from the finance managers of the five commercial Jordanian banks which revealed that good corporate is significant for the performance of the banks. Good corporate governance balances the conflict of interest among the stakeholders. The participants believed that good corporate governance mechanisms such as transparency, privacy, legislations, code of conduct and clarity of procedures can enhance the efficiency of the banks. They believed that good corporate governance mechanisms effects the bank risks such as it protects the shareholders, stakeholders and reduces or transfers risk and ensures the stability of the economy. Hence, good corporate governance is essential for achieving success of the banking sector and in turn for the economic growth. The participants suggested that implementing good corporate governance in the banks leads to the integration of the capital markets, better solutions of the corporate governance issues and helps in building trust, integrity and transparency.



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