- 1. Department of Zoology, Syed Ammal Arts and Science College, Ramanathapuram 623513
Corona viruses are zoonotic pathogens that are present in humans and various animals with a wide range of clinical features from asymptomatic course to requirement of hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) causing many infections in respiratory, gastrointestinal, hepatic and neurologic systems. The global outbreak of corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) challenged the medical facilities and services all over worldwide with more than 200 countries affected by the pandemic effects. The Corona viruses (CoV) belong to the genus Corona virus in the Corona viridae. All CoVs are pleomorphic RNA viruses characteristically containing crown-shape peplomers with 80-160 nM in size and 27-32 kb positive polarity. Recombination rates of CoVs are very high because of constantly developing transcription errors and RNA dependent on the RNA polymerase (RdRP) jump. World Health Organization and Indian government are taking many efforts to control the spread of the virus rapidly among humans. All over country followed many Strategies such as self-quarantine, social distancing and 40-days countrywide lockdown helped to slow down the virus which could have spread tremendously otherwise specially paying attention to Tamilnadu state current situation. Our critical review focuses on the implications of Covid-19 in India especially Tamilnadu current scenario along with report and strategies employed for the pandemic control.
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- Zoology
- 10.5281/zenodo.3877684
- Medical Biology
- 10.5281/zenodo.3877684