- 1. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
This study developed a technology of low-lactose semi-finished products, based on fermented whey and pumpkin pulp puree, and offered a possibility of its use in the technology of structured culinary products. This research carried out the required substantiation of the methods of preliminary processing of raw materials, and studied the technological properties and structure of model compositions with their use.
During the experiment, a number of studies were carried out, which substantiated the method and modes of condensation of whey, and provided a comparative analysis of the homogeneity of lactose-free and lactose-containing samples of whey under various modes of condensation.
The study obtained the results of calculations of the equivalent diameter of the studied samples of lactose-containing and low-lactose whey, condensed by the contact method and in vacuum. It was found, that the structure is homogeneous at a number average crystal diameter of up to 5 μm. The restriction is valid for CLLWV with a calculated diameter of about 3.84 μm with a coefficient of variation of 1.35 % with an increase of 10,000 times.
The study revealed the alternation of smooth and granular sections of the micron level (0.1 ... 5 μm) in the structure of the studied low-lactose semi-finished product with an increase of 300 times. It was determined, that the extremum of the differential curve of the particle size distribution of CLLWV corresponds to the number average crystal diameter of 3.84 μm. It was established, that the most homogeneous fractional composition is inherent in the studied sample of CLLWV, for which the values of fraction diameters are in the range from 1.46 μm to 4.96 μm. The optimal ratio of the components of the model CLLWV: FPPP system was determined as 70 % to 30 % respectively. With this composition, the model system is characterized by the formation of protein-pectin complexes, which is confirmed by microscopy with a magnification of 90 times
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