Published December 30, 2018 | Version v1
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National Brand of Ukraine


The monograph is devoted to theoretical, methodological and practical issues of Ukraine’s nation brand formation in the context of global competition. The public administration mechanisms in building the relations of the authorities with the public are considered as one of the components of the process of a nation brand formation.
The methodical approaches to nation brands evaluation are determined. An estimation of Ukraine’s nation brand is made. The results of the analysis of Ukrainian exports dynamics are presented. The national goods export prospects are determined. The preconditions and purpose of Ukraine’s export brand development are defined. The analysis of brand protection policy in Ukraine, including the UATAG Ukrainian startup, which provides an innovative technology for branded goods protecting, is presented.

The actual problems of formation of brand and branding strategies taking into account branch specifics are investigated. Facilitation for small entrepreneurship from the state is revealed due to increase of small businesses potential, their innovative activity, social responsibility to society, efficiency and effectiveness of their economic activity, which is the key to improving the macroeconomic situation in the country and one of the conditions for successful nation brand building.
The monograph is intended for scientists, teachers, managers and specialists of enterprises and organizations, representatives of state authorities, post-graduate students, doctoral students and students of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions.


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