Published October 14, 2019 | Version preprint
Conference paper Restricted

ROS-TiPlEx: How to make experts in A.I. Planning and Robotics talk together and be happy


This paper presents a novel comprehensive framework called ROS-TiPlEx (Timeline-based Planning and Execution with ROS) to provide a shared environment in which experts in robotics and planning can easily interact to, respectively, encode information about low-level robot control and define task planning and execution models. ROS-TiPlEx aims at facilitating the interaction between both kind of experts, thus, enhancing and possibly speeding up the process of an integrated control design. ROS-TiPlEx is the first tool addressing the connection of ROS and timeline-based planning.



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SHAREWORK – Safe and effective HumAn-Robot coopEration toWards a better cOmpetiveness on cuRrent automation lacK manufacturing processes. 820807
European Commission