Published March 22, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



Key to species of Monoon

1. Inflorescences on trunk or restricted to base of trunk........................................................................ 2 – Inflorescences in leaf axils, or on twigs behind leaves (sometimes on branches).............................. 6

2. Inflorescences borne on slender, flexible, branched basal flagellae........................... M. hypogaeum – Not so................................................................................................................................................ 3

3. Inflorescences on stout, sparsely branching axes to at least 7 cm long....................... M. praestigiosum

– Inflorescences on woody tubercles or much-branched axes less than 7 cm long............................... 4

4. Inflorescences on woody tubercles.............................................................................. M. anomalum – Inflorescences on much-branched axes............................................................................................. 5

5. Leaves with 8–10 pairs of lateral nerves. Outer petals to 2.5 cm long, 0.5 cm wide. Monocarps with blunt beak...................................................................................................................... M. borneense

– Leaves with c. 20 pairs of lateral nerves. Outer petal to 7 cm long, 2.5 cm wide. Monocarps with hard, sharp beak................................................................................................................ M. congregatum

6. Leaves membranous. Inflorescences axillary, few-flowered (generally more than one). Sepals more than 8 mm long. Monocarps globose to ellipsoidal with rounded to slightly blunt apex................................................................................................................................................. M. membranifolium

– Leaves chartaceous to coriaceous. Inflorescences single to multi-flowered but if few-flowered and axillary then with sepals to 6 mm long. Monocarps ellipsoidal with blunt to beaked apex.............. 7

7. Young flowers with conical ‘bud’ stage; sepals more than 6 mm wide............................................. 8 – Young flowers not with a conical ‘bud’ stage; sepals less than 6 mm wide...................................... 11

8. Leaves with generally more than 20 pairs of lateral nerves. Flower pedicels more than 2.5 cm long....................................................................................................................................... M. macranthum – Leaves with up to 20 pairs of lateral nerves. Flower pedicels to 1 cm long...................................... 9

9. Twigs densely tomentose. Leaves with dense hairs on nerves below. Flower pedicel to 12 mm long............................................................................................................................................... M. fuscum

– Twigs glabrescent. Leaves glabrous to glabrescent beneath. Flower pedicel generally more than 12 mm long...................................................................................................................................... 10

10. Leaves to 17 cm long, 7 cm wide. Sepals much broader than long. Monocarps woolly hairy, apex rounded............................................................................................................................ M. cupulare

– Leaves generally more than 17 cm long, 7 cm wide. Sepals about as long as broad. Monocarps not woolly hairy, apex beaked.................................................................................... M. magnoliiflorum

11. Petals distinctly longitudinally nerved. Monocarps subsessile, pale tomentose....... M. pachyphyllum – Petals not longitudinally nerved. Monocarps stipitate, glabrous to tomentose............................... 12

12 (Leaves more than 24 cm long, 7 cm wide). Flowers borne distichously on sparsely branched hairy axes to 2 cm long, 4 mm thick. Petals thick and fleshy. Monocarps with stipe to 14 mm long, shorter than seed-bearing portion........................................................................................... M. malayanum

– (Leaves generally smaller). Flowers borne in fascicles or on very short and relatively slender axes. Petals relatively thin. Monocarps with stipe generally exceeding length of seed-bearing portion... 13

13. Flowering pedicel c. 0.5 mm thick; sepals to 2 mm long; petals to 3 mm wide.............. M. asteriellum – Flowering pedicel at least 1 mm thick; sepals more than 2 mm long; petals 4 mm wide or more... 14

14. Petals 4–5 mm wide. Monocarps densely short brown tomentose, stipe attachment eccentric.............................................................................................................................................. M. xanthopetalum – Petals 8 mm or more wide. Monocarps more or less glabrous, stipe attachment not eccentric........ 15

15. Outer petals obovate (widest above midway), claw and blade distinct........................................... 16

– Outer petals lanceolate to oblong-linear (widest at or below midway), little distinction between claw and blade......................................................................................................................................... 17

16. Leaves obovate, reticulations obscure from above..................................................... M.hookerianum – Leaves elliptic, reticulations distinct from above............................................................ M. glabrum

17. Leaves generally less than 20 cm long and 5 cm wide; lateral nerves 9–13 pairs. Sepals 3–4 mm long................................................................................................................................... M. sclerophyllum

– Leaves generally more than 20 cm long and 5 cm wide; lateral nerves 14–15 pairs. Sepals to 3 mm long............................................................................................................................. M. lateriflorum


Published as part of Turner, Ian M. & Utteridge, Timothy M. A., 2016, Whither Polyalthia (Annonaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia? Synopses of Huberantha, Maasia, Monoon and Polyalthia s. s., pp. 1-26 in European Journal of Taxonomy 183 on pages 5-7, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2016.183,


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