Published March 2, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Clathrina primordialis * Adriatic Sea

  • 1. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho 373, Cidade Universitária, 21941 - 902 Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: C 6 BB 3 D 65 - 7166 - 4 A 2 A-AF 2 B- 7 F 13 EE 94 F 485 & Corresponding authors: mklautau @ biologia. ufrj. br; mimesek @ irb. hr
  • 2. Ruđer Bošković Institute, Division for Molecular Biology, Bijenička cesta 54, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 5461 D 38 C-E 1 B 5 - 48 B 1 - A 41 B- 0134 F 337 A 143 & Corresponding authors: mklautau @ biologia. ufrj. br; mimesek @ irb. hr
  • 3. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho 373, Cidade Universitária, 21941 - 902 Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. & E-mail: nandaporifera @ gmail. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: DC 0 BE 6 B 4 - F 24 F- 4765 - BA 2 B-ED 17 D 774 B 2 B 7
  • 4. Ruđer Bošković Institute, Division for Molecular Biology, Bijenička cesta 54, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia. & E-mail: bplese @ irb. hr & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: C 9 E 3 BEB 1 - 01 E 6 - 44 A 4 - 807 B- 4800 E 9393 C 09
  • 5. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Laboratory for Benthos, P. O. Box 500, 21000, Split, Croatia. Equally contributed & E-mail: nikolic @ izor. hr & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 84828 CF 3 - 6 BA 3 - 4541 - AEF 2 - 24422 CEA 0179
  • 6. Ruđer Bošković Institute, Division for Molecular Biology, Bijenička cesta 54, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia. & E-mail: cetkovic @ irb. hr & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: BD 5 D 084 E- 8 AAE- 4 CBA- 991 B- 0901 EB 6 C 8 DE 1


Clathrina primordialis (Haeckel, 1872)

Fig. 7; Table 7

? Grantia pulchra Schmidt, 1862:18.

? Leucosolenia pulchra Schmidt, 1866: 8.

Prosycum primordiale Haeckel, 1870: 237.

Olynthus simplex Haeckel, 1870: 237.

Nardoa arabica Miklucho in Haeckel, 1872: 16.

Ascetta primordialis Haeckel, 1872: 16.

Olynthus primordialis Haeckel, 1872: 16.

Clistolynthus primordialis Haeckel, 1872: 16.

Soleniscus primordialis Haeckel, 1872: 16.

Ascometra primordialis Haeckel, 1872: 16.

? Ascaltis primordialis Haeckel, 1872: 17.

? Ascortis primordialis Haeckel, 1872: 17.

? Ascandra primordialis Haeckel, 1872: 18.

Ascetta primordialis Lendenfeld, 1885: 897.

L. primordialis var. apicalis Brøndsted, 1931: 9.

Clathrina cf. hondurensis – Imesek et al. 2014: 25.

Ascetta primordialis – Lendenfeld 1891: 11. — Arnesen 1901: 12.

Clathrina primordialis – Carter 1886: 510. — Minchin 1896: 359. — Jenkin 1908: 436. — Row 1909: 184. — Klautau & Valentine 2003: 32. — Longo & Pronzato 2011: 229.

Leucosolenia primordialis – Lackschewitsch 1886: 299. — Breitfuss 1898a: 12; 1898b: 91. — Dendy & Row 1913: 726. — Ferrer Hernández 1918: 10. — Burton 1926: 71; 1963: 197. — Row & Hôzawa 1931: 736. — Breitfuss 1932: 242; 1935: 12. — Arndt 1941: 45. — Tanita 1942: 73; 1943: 370.

non C. primordialis – Borojević 1971: 527. — Borojević & Peixinho 1976: 992. — Mothes de Moraes 1985: 228. — Klautau et al. 1994: 372. — Muricy & Silva 1999: 160.

Material examined


ADRIATIC SEA: Lesina (Croatian: Island of Hvar), E. Haeckel collection (PMJ-Inv. Nr. Porif. 154, in ethanol).

Other material

ADRIATIC SEA: near the Island of Čiovo, Croatia, 43°28'58.5" N, 16°21'25.6" E; 5 m, collected by B. Pleše and V. Nikolić, 5 Nov. 2010 (IRB-CLB 3 = UFRJPOR 6863).


White in life and in ethanol.


Cormus is formed by large and loosely anastomosed tubes. Water-collecting tubes are absent (Fig. 7A). The skeleton is composed of one category of triactines (Fig. 7B). The size of the spicules is very variable and it is therefore not possible to categorize them.

Spicules (Table 7)

TRIACTINES. Regular (equiangular and equiradiate). Actines are conical to slightly conical with sharp tips (Fig. 7C). Their size is very variable. Size: 121.5/ 12.2 µm.


The specimen was collected on a shaded, vertical hard limestone bottom.


Haeckel (1872) assigned the name Ascetta primordialis to a group of different species, and even genera, whose skeleton comprised only triactines, but, unfortunately, did not select a holotype. In 2003, Klautau & Valentine revised the genus Clathrina and analysed two specimens of C. primordialis, one from the Adriatic Sea (PMJ 154) and another one from Naples (ZMB 1306). Both specimens clearly represented different species and the authors suggested the specimen ZMB 1306 was the true C. primordialis, because C. primordialis (originally Prosycum primordiale Haeckel, 1870) was first described from Naples.

However, analysing the present specimen and re-analysing the slides of the specimens PMJ 154 and ZMB 1306 and the catalogue from the ZMB, we now have a different opinion. On the specimen’s label and in the catalogue of the ZMB it is not noted that ZMB 1306 is a syntype of C. primordialis. Consequently, Klautau & Valentine (2003) should not have designated the specimen ZMB 1306 as a lectotype of C. primordialis. On the other hand, the label of the specimen PMJ 154 mentions it is a

syntype of C. primordialis. Therefore, in our opinion, the specimen PMJ 154 is more reliably a true representative of this species and should be considered the lectotype of C. primordialis.

Considering the morphology of PMJ 154, the specimen IRB-CLB3 = UFRJPOR 6863 represents C. primordialis, as well as the specimen PMR 14305, recently published as C. cf. hondurensis Klautau & Valentine, 2003 (Imešek et al. 2014). The similarities between C. primordialis and C. hondurensis made us ponder on the possibility of synonymy between these two species. However, as we could not obtain DNA sequences of C. hondurensis from the type locality (Honduras) to verify this, we prefer to keep C. hondurensis as a valid species restricted to the Caribbean Sea, until further analyses are done.

Subclass Calcaronea Bidder, 1898

Genus Leucandra Haeckel, 1872


Published as part of Klautau, Michelle, Imešek, Mirna, Azevedo, Fernanda, Pleše, Bruna, Nikolić, Vedran & Ćetković, Helena, 2016, Adriatic calcarean sponges (Porifera, Calcarea), with the description of six new species and a richness analysis, pp. 1-52 in European Journal of Taxonomy 178 on pages 18-21, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2016.178,


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  • Haeckel E. 1872. Die Kalkschwamme, eine Monographie. Vols 1 - 3. Reimer, Berlin.
  • Schmidt O. 1862. Die Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres, enthaltend die Histologie und systematiche Erganzungen. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig.
  • Schmidt O. 1866. Zweites Supplement der Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres, enthaltend die Vergleichung der Adriatischen und Britischen Spongiengattungen. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig.
  • Haeckel E. 1870. Prodromus eines Systems der Kalkschwamme. Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Medicin und Naturwissenschaft 5: 236 - 254.
  • Lendenfeld R. von 1885. The Homocoela of Australia and the new family Homodermidae. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 9: 896 - 907. http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 82331 #
  • Brondsted H. V. 1931. Die Kalkschwamme. Deutsche Sudpolar Expedition 1901 - 03 20: 1 - 47.
  • Imesek M., Plese B., Pfannkuchen M., Godrijan J., Pfannkuchen D. M., Klautau M. & Cetkovic H. 2014. Integrative taxonomy of four Clathrina species of the Adriatic Sea, with the first formal description of Clathrina rubra Sara, 1958. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 14 (1): 21 - 29. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / s 13127 - 013 - 0156 - 0
  • Lendenfeld R. von 1891. Die Spongien der Adria. I. Die Kalkschwamme. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig.
  • Arnesen E. 1901. Spongier fra den norske kyst. I. Calcarea. Systematisk katalog med bemerkninger og bestemmelsestabell. Bergen Museums Xrbok 1900: 1 - 44.
  • Carter H. J. 1886. Descriptions of the sponges from the neighbourhood of Port Philip Heads, South Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 (18): 502 - 516.
  • Minchin E. A. 1896. Suggestions for a natural classification of the Asconidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 18: 349 - 362.
  • Jenkin C. F. 1908. The marine fauna of Zanzibar and British East Africa from collections made by Cyril Crossland, M. A., in the years 1901 and 1902. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 434 - 456. http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 99643 #
  • Row R. W. H. 1909. Reports on the marine biology of the Sudanese Red Sea. XIX. Report on the Sponges collected by Mr Cyril Crossland in 1904 - 05. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 31: 182 - 214. http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 98662 #
  • Klautau M. & Valentine C. 2003. Revision of the genus Clathrina (Porifera, Calcarea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 139: 1 - 62. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1046 / j. 0024 - 4082.2003.00063. x
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  • Breitfuss L. L. 1898 b. Kalkschwammfauna der Westkuste Portugals. Zoologische Jahrbucher 2: 89 - 102.
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  • Ferrer Hernandez F. 1918. Esponjas del litoral de Asturias. Trabajos del Museo nacional de ciencias de Madri (Zoologica) 36: 1 - 39.
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  • Burton M. 1963. A Revision of the Classification of the Calcareous Sponges. British Museum, London.
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  • Tanita S. 1942. Key to all the described species of the genus Leucosolenia and their distribution. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University 17: 71 - 93.
  • Tanita S. 1943. Studies on the Calcarea of Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University 17 (4): 353 - 490.
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  • Borojevic R. & Peixinho S. 1976. Eponges calcaires du nord-nord-est du Bresil. Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle 3 (402): 987 - 1036.
  • Klautau M., Sole-Cava A. M. & Borojevic R. 1994. Biochemical systematics of sibling sympatric species of Clathrina (Porifera: Calcarea). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 22: 367 - 375. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1016 / 0305 - 1978 (94) 90027 - 2
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