Published April 3, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Stigmaeus Koch 1836

  • 1. Email: mbingul @ erzincan. edu. tr
  • 2. Corresponding author: salihdogan @ erzincan. edu. tr
  • 3. Biology Department, Arts & Sciences Faculty, Erzincan University, Erzincan, Turkey. & Email: sdilkara @ erzincan. edu. tr


Genus Stigmaeus Koch, 1836

Type species

Stigmaeus cruentus Koch, 1836, by original designation.


The genus Stigmaeus Koch, 1836 (Acari: Stigmaeidae) can be defined by the following characters: idiosoma oval; chelicerae separate; palptibial claw subequal to or slightly shorter than palptarsus; accessory claw seta-like or spine-like, terminal eupathidion on palptarsus basally fused and split into two or three long prongs; counts of setae and solenidia from palptrochanter to palptarsus: 0, 3, 1–2, 2 + 1 claw + 1 accessory claw, 4 + 1ω + 1 subterminal spine-like eupathidion + 2 or 3 eupathidia (basally fused); subcapitulum with two pairs of subcapitular setae; prodorsum typically with a large shield, bearing three pairs of setae and a pair of platelets bearing setae sce; eyes present or absent, postocular bodies (pob) present or absent; dorsal hysterosomal area typically with one or two shields surrounded by three to five pairs of platelets, setae d 1 and d 2 never on same shield; humeral shields dorso- or ventrolateral, with setae c 2; intercalary shields entire or divided, with a pair of setae (f 1); suranal shield entire or divided, with two or three pairs of setae; coxisternal shields present, divided along midline; ventral opisthosoma with three to five pairs of aggenital setae; genital and anal valves fused or contiguous, with one to three pairs of genital setae and three pairs of pseudanal setae (Fan & Zhang 2005; Dönel & Doğan 2011; Doğan et al. 2015a, 2016).


Published as part of Bingül, Meryem, Doğan, Salih & Dilkaraoğlu, Sibel, 2017, Contributions to the knowledge of the mite genus Stigmaeus Koch, 1836 (Acari: Stigmaeidae) of Turkey, pp. 1-16 in European Journal of Taxonomy 307 on page 3, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2017.307,


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Scientific name authorship
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Taxonomic concept label
Stigmaeus Koch, 1836 sec. Bingül, Doğan & Dilkaraoğlu, 2017


  • Fan Q. - H. & Zhang Z. - Q. 2005. Fauna of New Zealand. Vol. 52: Raphignathoidea (Acari: Prostigmata). Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.
  • Donel G. & Dogan S. 2011. The stigmaeid mites (Acari: Stigmaeidae) of Kelkit Valley (Turkey). Zootaxa 2942: 1 - 56.
  • Dogan S., Bingul M., Dilkaraoglu S. & Fan Q. - H. 2015 a. Description of a new species of the genus Stigmaeus Koch (Acari: Stigmaeidae) from Turkey, with a list of described species in the world. International Journal of Acarology 41: 290 - 299. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647954.2015.1028441
  • Dogan S., Dilkaraoglu S., Erman O., Faraji F., Bingul M., Zeytun E. & Ersin F. 2016. Redescription of Stigmaeus solidus Kuznetzov (Acari, Stigmaeidae) based on the Turkish and Dutch specimens. Turkish Bulletin of Entomology 6: 33 - 42. [In Turkish] https: // doi. org / 10.16969 / teb. 41380