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Published May 12, 2020 | Version v1
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Polynema (Polynema) striaticorne Girault 1911


Polynema (Polynema) striaticorne Girault, 1911

Polynema striaticorne Girault, 1911 [72]: 12. Syntypes ♀, ♂ (USNM). TL: USA, New York, Albany. Hodgkiss, 1910: 81, 91 [nomen nudum] (host, distribution); Girault, 1911 [87]: 149 (mention); Girault, 1911 [89]: 139 (contrast with extralimital species); Girault, 1911 [95]: 365 (contrast with extralimital species); Girault, 1911 [96]: 302 (distribution, description), 319 (key); Girault, 1912 [109]: 23 (distribution, distribution); Girault, 1912 [112]: 298 (Girault, 1911 [96]: 300 corrected); Girault, 1912 [135]: 14 (mention); Girault, 1915 [261]: 8 (distribution); Brittain, 1917: 39 (host, distribution); Funkhouser, 1917: 415 (host, distribution); Brittain, 1918: 19 (host, distribution); Washburn, 1919: 193 (distribution); Underhill, 1926: 17 (host, distribution); Frison, 1927: 228 (paratype listing); Balduf, 1928: 422 (biology); Sorenson, 1928: 16 (percent parasitism); Essig, 1929: 818 (hosts, distribution); Girault, 1929 [428]: 19 (key), 28 (contrast with P. nativum); Walley, 1929: 194 (contrast with P. pratensiphagum); Burks, 1938: 161 (fore wing figure); Clausen, 1940: 100, 101, 103 (life cycle); Craighead, 1950: 619 (life cycle, host, percent parasitism); Peck, 1951: 418 (catalogue); Thompson, 1958: 572 (host catalogue); Jackson, 1961b: 278 (larva); Peck, 1963: 48 (catalogue); Vidano, 1966: 55 (introduction) [P]; Anderson & Paschke, 1968: 4 (mention); Vidano, 1968a: 3 (introduction) [P]; Vidano, 1968b: 581 (phenology) [P]; Prota, 1970: 55 (mention) [P]; Viggiani, 1974a: 155 (host) [P]; Currado, 1975: 335 (spread in Italy) [P]; Vidano & Meotto, 1975: 297 (multiplication, dissemination) [P]; Bournier, 1976: 362 (mention) [P]; Ciampolini et al., 1977: 25204 (biological control) [P]; Burks, 1979: 1033 (catalogue); Cookson & New, 1980: 8 (mention); Huber, 1986: 197 (biological control) [P]; Alma et al., 1988: 597 (host, Italy) [P]; Viggiani & Jesu, 1988: 1024 (biocontrol) [P]; Pantaleoni, 1989: 5 (biocontrol) [P]; Yoshimoto, 1990: 83 (list); Schedl, 1991: 10 (biological control) [P]; Boivin et al., 1993: 179 (larval instar number); Fursov, 1994: 12 (distribution) [P]; Nénon et al., 1995: 997 (larval instar number); Pagliano et al., 1995: 36 (list [P]; Isidoro et al., 1996: 216 (gustatory sensilla) [P]; Lenteren et al., 2003: 28 (risk assessment) [P]; Viggiani, 2004: 69 (male genitalia) [P]; Pantaleoni & Tavella, 2006: 140 (biocontrol) [P]; Bennett, 2008a: 677 (larva description); Mills, 2010: 395 (biological control, minimal impact) [P]; Rasplus et al., 2010: 674 (alien in Europe) [P]; Roy et al., 2011: 492 (1966 European introduction) [P]; Świerczewski & Stroiński, 2011: 18 (biological control) [P]; Pintureau, 2012: 30 (list) [P]; Zandigiacomo et al., 2017: 68 (introduction) [P].

Cosmocoma sp.: Marlatt, 1895: 12 (host, distribution) [identified by Girault, 1911 [72]: 15].

Polynema (Cosmocoma) n. sp.: Girault, 1907 [27]: 30 (host) [identified by Girault, 1911 [87]: 149].

Cosmocoma maculipes: Nason, 1906: 8 [misidentification (Girault [96]: 308)] (list).

Polynema howardii [misidentification (Girault, 1912 [112]: 298)]: Girault, 1911 [96]: 300 (distribution).

Polynema striaticorniss [sic]: Felt, 1915: 89, 176 (hosts, distribution).

Polynema striaticorna [sic]: Smith, 1923: 55 (host, distribution).

Polynema ? striaticorne: MacGown & Osgood, 1972: 1264 (mention).

Polynema Striaticorne [sic]: Waloff & Jervis, 1987: 292 (male aggression).

Polynema batiashvili Elerdashvili, 1987: 81. Lectotype ♀ (ZIN), designated by Fursov, 1994: 13. TL: Georgia, Mtskheta- Mtianeti Region, Dusheti. Synonymy by Fursov, 1994: 13.

Nearctic hosts. Membracidae: Ceresa borealis (Fairmaire), C. bubalus (Fabricius), C. taurina (Fitch), Oncopsis sobrius (Walker), Stictocephala inermis (Fabricius).

Distribution. Canada: BC, NS. USA: CO, DC, ID, IL, IN, KS, MD, MN, MO, NY, TX, VA.


Published as part of Huber, John T., Read, Jennifer D. & Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2020, Illustrated key to genera and catalogue of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) in America north of Mexico, pp. 1-411 in Zootaxa 4773 (3) on pages 307-308, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4773.1.1,


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  • Hodgkiss, H. E. (1910) The apple and pear membracids. New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (Geneva), Technical Bulletin, 17, 1 - 112, 8 pls.
  • Brittain, W. H. (1917) Notes of two species of tree-hoppers (Membracidae) ovipositing in the apple. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Nova Scotia for 1916, 2, 34 - 39.
  • Funkhouser, W. D. (1917) Biology of the Membracidae of the Cayuga Lake Basin. Memoirs of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, 2, 176 - 445. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 7981
  • Brittain, W. H. (1918) Notes on the yellow leaf hopper of the birch. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Nova Scotia for 1917, 3, 18 - 22.
  • Washburn, F. L. (1919 [1918]) The Hymenoptera of Minnesota. Seventeenth Report, State Entomologist of Minnesota to the Governor, 1918, pp. 145 - 240, 3 colour pls.
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