Stegelytrini Baker 1915
- 1. Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1816 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL 61820, United States of America & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: C 44 D 6 E 44 - FA 1 C- 4 B 29 - B 7 BB-FAF 5940 CD 225 & corresponding author e-mail: zahniser @ illinois. edu
- 2. Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1816 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL 61820, United States of America & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 82 FCB 86 C- 54 B 4 - 456 A-AE 5 E-D 7847 D 271 CB 9
Stegelytrini Baker, 1915
Fig. 53
Type genus: Stegelytra Mulsant & Rey, 1855.
Stegelytrini are medium sized to large leafhoppers, sometimes very robust, setose, and flylike in appearance. They can be identified by the head usually much narrower than the pronotum, eyes encroaching onto the pronotum and lying above lateral carinae of pronotum, antennae usually very long, clypellus often with pair of stout subapical setae, legs with supernumerary setae, profemur row AM with AM1 plus two or more additional macrosetae, metatibia dorsal surface with extra setae between rows AD and PD near base, valve often with long length of articulation with pygofer, connective with anterior arms widely divergent, and style linear.
HEAD. Head usually distinctly narrower than pronotum, rarely wider than pronotum; eyes lying above lateral carinae of pronotum. Discal portion of crown glabrous with radial or longitudinal striae. Anterior margin of head shagreen or with numerous transverse striations or carinae. Frontoclypeus not tumid, texture shagreen. Clypellus widening apically; apex following or slightly surpassing normal curve of gena; usually with pair of subapical stout setae. Lorum subequal to or wider than clypellus near base. Antennal bases near middle or posteroventral (lower) corners of eyes. Antennae usually very long, 1.5 x width of head or longer, rarely short. Gena not incised or obtusely incised laterally; with fine erect seta beside laterofrontal suture. Antennal ledges weakly developed (carinate or weakly carinate) or strongly developed (with a definite ledge). Ocelli present; close to eyes; on anterior margin of head.
THORAX. Thorax often very large or inflated. Pronotum lateral margin carinate or not carinate; lateral margin often longer than basal width of eye, rarely shorter. Mesonotum often elongate and protuberant posteriorly.
WINGS. Forewing macropterous or submacropterous; apex sometimes truncate; appendix absent or reduced, or present and restricted to anal margin or large and extending around wing apex; with 3 anteapical cells; veins not raised; without reflexed costal veins; A1-A2 crossvein absent or present; apical venation highly reticulate or not; commissural margin usually thickened and elevated.
LEGS. Legs often with supernumerary thin and thick setae. Profemur with AM1 and with two or more additional proximal setae; intercalary row with one row of five or more fine setae, or setae scattered, not in one row; row AV with relatively long macrosetae. Protibia dorsal surface rounded, convex. Metafemur apex macrosetae 2+2+1 or 2+2+1 and with additional proximal macrosetae and/or with extra macrosetae clustered near apex. Metatibia dorsal surface with extra setae between rows AD and PD, especially near base; dorsal side often distinctly wider at base than at apex. Metatarsomere I not expanded apically; plantar setae simple, tapered.
MALE GENITALIA. Valve articulated with pygofer or rarely fused to pygofer; lateral margin often relatively long and with long length of articulation with pygofer, or sometimes lateral margin short, articulating with pygofer at a point. Pygofer basolateral membranous cleft often absent, rarely present; macrosetae absent or reduced (≤ two rows) or well differentiated into several rows. Subgenital plates free from each other; articulated with valve; without macrosetae or with macrosetae scattered, irregularly arranged, or uniseriate, distant from lateral margin. Style linear, median anterior lobe not pronounced. Basal processes of the aedeagus/connective absent or reduced or present, connected or articulated to connective or near base of aedeagus. Aedeagus with single shaft and gonopore. Connective anterior arms widely divergent, T -shaped or plate-like; articulated with aedeagus.
FEMALE GENITALIA. Pygofer with numerous macrosetae. Ovipositor not protruding or protruding far beyond pygofer apex. First valvula convex; dorsal sculpturing pattern strigate or concatenate; sculpturing reaching dorsal margin; without distinctly delimited ventroapical sculpturing. Second valvula abruptly broadened medially or subapically, or broad, gradually tapered; without dorsal median tooth; teeth on apical 1/3 or more; teeth large, regularly shaped or teeth small, regularly or irregularly shaped.
Geography and ecology
Distribution: Palearctic and Oriental regions. Stegelytrini have been collected on trees. Recorded host families include Fagaceae and Lauraceae. Aggregations of males have been observed on wet soil.
Stegelytrini contains 30 genera and 83 species. It is the earliest diverging lineage of Deltocephalinae, and its relictual status is reflected in the retention of primitive structures of the male genitalia such as the narrow style base and median anterior lobe of the connective. Many members of the tribe also have a suite of derived characters that are outwardly modified and produce a strange flylike or otherwise “hairy” appearance. The functional significance of these modified characters is not known, although some may be Batesian mimics of flies or bees. The tribe, which has been accorded separate subfamily status by some authors, was recently revised in a series of papers (see Selected references). We prefer to treat the group as a tribe of Deltocephalinae to accentuate the strong phylogenetic support for its close relationship to other deltocephalines.
Selected references
Webb (1999), Wei et al. (2006, 2007a, b, 2008 a, b, 2010).
Included genera
Aculescutellaris Zhang, Wei & Webb, 2007
Cyrta Melichar, 1902
Daochia Wei, Zhang & Webb, 2006
Doda Distant, 1908
Honguchia Wei & Webb, 2010
Kasinella Evans, 1971
Kunasia Distant, 1908
Louangana Wei & Webb, 2010
Minucella Wei, Zhang & Webb, 2008
Neophansia Wei & Webb, 2010
Pachymetopius Matsumura, 1914
Paracyrta Wei, Webb & Zhang, 2008
Paradoxivena Wei, Zhang &Webb, 2006
Paraplacidellus Zhang, Wei & Shen, 2002
Paratoba Wei, Webb & Zhang, 2007
Pataniolidia Wei, Webb & Zhang, 2007
Placidellus Evans, 1971
Platyvalvata Zhang, Wei & Webb, 2006
Pseudododa Zhang, Wei & Webb, 2007
Quiontugia Wei & Zhang, 2010
Shangonia Wei & Webb, 2010
Stegelytra Mulsant & Rey, 1855
Stenolora Zhang, Wei & Webb, 2006
Sychentia Wei & Webb, 2010
Temburocera Webb, 1999
Toba Schmidt, 1911
Trunchinus Zhang, Webb & Wei, 2007
Wadkufia Linnavuori, 1965
Wyuchiva Zhang, Wei & Webb, 2006
Yaontogonia Wei & Webb, 2010
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Cicadellidae
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Baker
- Taxon rank
- tribe
- Taxonomic concept label
- Stegelytrini Baker, 1915 sec. Zahniser & Dietrich, 2013
- Webb M. D. 1999. Identity of Bythoscopus ignicans Walker, 1857 (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadomorpha: Cicadellidae: Stegelytrinae). Reichenbachia 33 (14): 111 - 114.
- Wei C., Zhang Y. & Webb M. D. 2006. New synonymy in the leafhopper genus Stegelytra Mulsant and Rey and description of a new genus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Stegelytrinae). Journal of Natural History 40 (35 - 37): 2057 - 2069. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222930601046378
- Wei C., Webb M. D. & Zhang Y. 2007 a. Revision of the Oriental leafhopper genus Toba with description of a related new genus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Stegelytrinae). European Journal of Entomology 104: 285 - 293.
- Hadley A. 2010. CombineZP. Available from http: // www. hadleyweb. pwp. blueyonder. co. uk / CZP / Installation. htm [accessed May 11, 2013]
- Distant W. L. 1908. Rhynchota - Homoptera. In: Bingham C. T. (ed.) The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Volume 4. Taylor and Francis, London.
- Wei C., Webb M. D. & Zhang Y. 2010. A review of the morphologically diverse leafhopper subfamily Stegelytrinae (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) with description of new taxa. Systematic Entomology 35 (1): 19 - 58. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 3113.2009.00480. x
- Wei C., Zhang Y. & Webb M. D. 2008. Minucella, a new leafhopper genus from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Stegelytrinae). Zootaxa 1854: 33 - 44.