Published May 29, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Arthropoda Baker 1923

  • 1. Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1816 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL 61820, United States of America & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: C 44 D 6 E 44 - FA 1 C- 4 B 29 - B 7 BB-FAF 5940 CD 225 & corresponding author e-mail: zahniser @ illinois. edu
  • 2. Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1816 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL 61820, United States of America & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 82 FCB 86 C- 54 B 4 - 456 A-AE 5 E-D 7847 D 271 CB 9


Stenometopiini Baker, 1923

Fig. 54

Type genus: Stenometopius Matsumura, 1914 (= Hodoedocus Jacobi, 1910).

= Stirellini Emeljanov, 1966.


Stenometopiini are small to medium sized, often brightly colored or iridescent leafhoppers. They can be identified by the narrow crown, shagreen texture of the crown, clypellus parallel-sided or tapering apically, forewings often submacropterous to brachypterous, male pygofer sloping caudoventrally and with few macrosetae and often with a distinct lateral tooth, female ovipositor protruding far beyond the pygofer apex, first valvula dorsal sculpturing granulose to maculose and submarginal, first valvula with distinctly delimited ventroapical sculpturing, and second valvula without dorsal teeth.


HEAD. Head subequal to or wider than pronotum; sometimes strongly produced or elongate. Crown narrow; discal portion of crown shagreen. Anterior margin of head shagreen, rarely sharply angulate or foliaceous if head is elongate. Frontoclypeus not tumid, texture shagreen. Clypellus parallel-sided or tapering apically, apex slightly surpassing normal curve of gena. Lorum distinctly narrower than clypellus near base. Antennal bases near middle or posteroventral (lower) corners of eyes. Mesial margin of eyes notched in frontal view. Antennae short, less than 1.5 x width of head. Gena obtusely incised laterally; with fine erect seta beside laterofrontal suture. Antennal ledges absent. Ocelli present; close to eyes; on anterior margin of head.

THORAX. Pronotum lateral margin not carinate; lateral margin shorter than basal width of eye.

WINGS. Forewing macropterous to brachypterous; appendix reduced, absent, or restricted to anal margin; with 3 anteapical cells; veins not raised; usually without reflexed costal veins; A1-A2 crossvein absent; apical venation not highly reticulate.

LEGS. Profemur with AM1 seta only; intercalary row with one row of five or more fine setae; row AV with short, stout setae. Protibia dorsal surface rounded, convex. Metafemur apex macrosetae 2+0, 2+1, 2+2, or 2+2+1. Metatarsomere I not expanded apically; plantar setae simple, tapered.

MALE GENITALIA. Valve articulated with pygofer; lateral margin short, articulating with pygofer at a point. Pygofer sloping caudoventrally; basolateral membranous cleft absent, not membranous; macrosetae absent or reduced (≤ two rows); often with distinct short tooth laterally. Subgenital plates often short, rounded; free from each other; articulated with valve; without macrosetae or macrosetae uniseriate laterally or uniseriate distant from lateral margin. Style broadly bilobed basally, median anterior lobe pronounced and usually extending anterad of lateral lobe. Basal processes of the aedeagus/connective absent or reduced. Aedeagus with single shaft and gonopore; often whip-like, long and narrow. Connective anterior arms somewhat divergent, Y -, U - or narrowly V -shaped; articulated with aedeagus.

FEMALE GENITALIA. Pygofer with macrosetae reduced or absent. Ovipositor protruding far beyond pygofer apex. First valvula not strongly convex; dorsal sculpturing pattern granulose or maculose; sculpturing submarginal; with ventroapical sculpturing distinctly delimited, long and triangular. Second valvula gradually broadened medially or subapically; without dorsal median tooth; teeth absent.

Geography and ecology

Distribution: cosmopolitan. Stenometopiini feed on grasses or sedges and often abundant in grassland ecosystems.


Stenometopiini contains 8 genera and 96 species. Based on some morphological characters (Zahniser 2008a) and on phylogenetic analyses, the tribe appears to be most closely related to Chiasmini or to some other grass-specialist groups including Eupelicini, Drakensbergenini, and Evinus Dlabola, 1977. Most of the species are included in two genera: Doratulina, which contains only Old World species, and Stirellus, which contains both Old World and New World species. Historically, taxonomists have been inconsistent or unclear in their reasoning for their placement of species in these genera. The distinction between the two genera is therefore unclear (see Zahniser & Nielson 2012 for further discussion), but both are retained pending further study.

Proekes Theron, 1975 and Proekoides Stiller, 1986 were previously listed in the tribe by Oman et al. (1990) but share no similarities to the tribe and are here transferred to Bonaspeiini.

Selected references

Vilbaste (1965), Emeljanov (1966, 1968), Linnavuori (1979b), Dmitriev (2004b), Zahniser (2008a), Zahniser & Nielson (2012).

Included genera

Anaconura Emeljanov, 1999

Anemolua Kirkaldy, 1906

Doratulina Melichar, 1903

Giffardia Kirkaldy, 1906

Hodoedocus Jacobi, 1910

Kinonia Ball, 1933

Paivanana Distant, 1918

Stirellus Osborn & Ball, 1902


Published as part of Zahniser, James N. & Dietrich, Chris H., 2013, A review of the tribes of Deltocephalinae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae), pp. 1-211 in European Journal of Taxonomy 45 on pages 169-172, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2013.45,


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Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic concept label
Arthropoda Baker, 1923 sec. Zahniser & Dietrich, 2013


  • Emeljanov A. F. 1966. On the tribe Stirellini trib. n. and its taxonomic position (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 45: 609 - 610. [In Russian with English summary]
  • Zahniser J. N. 2008 a. Seven new species and new distributions of Old World Chiasmini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae), with a redescription, key to genera, and species checklist for the tribe. Zootaxa 1808: 1 - 32.
  • Zahniser J. N. & Nielson M. W. 2012. An extraordinary new genus and three new species of Acostemmini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) from Madagascar with comments on the morphology and classification of the tribe. Zootaxa 3209: 28 - 52.
  • Stiller, M. 1986. A new genus, Proekoides (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) described from fynbos in South Africa. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 49 (1): 153 - 158.
  • Oman P. W., Knight W. J. & Nielson M. W. 1990. Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae): a Bibliography, Generic Check-list, and Index to the World Literature 1956 - 1985. CAB International Institute of Entomology, Wallingford.
  • Vilbaste J. 1965. On the genus Aconura Leth. (Homoptera, Iassidae). Notulae Entomologicae 45: 3 - 12.
  • Emeljanov A. F. 1968. Notes on the tribe Stirellini (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 47: 249 - 253.
  • Linnavuori R. 1979 b. Revision of the African Cicadellidae (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha) Part II. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 93 (4): 929 - 1010.
  • Dmitriev D. A. 2004 b. Larvae of leafhoppers of the subfamily Deltocephalinae (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) from European Russia and adjacent territories: III. Tribes Deltocephalini, Stirellini, and Paralimnini. Entomological Review 84 (1): 31 - 53.
  • Emeljanov A. F. 1999. A key to genera of the subfamily Deltocephalinae s. l. (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) from Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, and Mongolia, with description of new genera and subgenera. Entomological Review 79: 547 - 562.
  • Distant W. L. 1918. Rhynchota. Homoptera: Appendix. Heteroptera: Addenda. In: Shipley A. E. & Marshall G. A. K. (eds) The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Volume 7. Taylor and Francis, London.