Published August 2, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Crematogaster bara Blaimer & Fisher 2013, sp. nov.

  • 1. Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA E-mail: bonnieblaimer @ gmail. com (corresponding author) & Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 2 ADA 98 B 1 - 6 FEC- 446 E-B 056 - 9244 F 417 F 0 BC
  • 2. Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 7 CFCBBE 5 - 5443 - 4 F 94 - B 2 AC- 04 BFD 4 D 520 F 0


Crematogaster bara Blaimer sp. nov. CD497C84-8C12-4005-9817-5236FA0AC4C2

Fig. 7


Crematogaster bara sp. nov. is easily distinguished from all other species of the C. degeeri -assemblage by a combination of the following characters: yellow body color, medium to large size (HW 0.87 - 1.03, WL 0.98 - 1.22) and very long antennal scapes (SI 0.91 - 1.01). Mean barcode divergence between C. bara sp. nov. and the remaining species is 7.9 - 18.0 % (Table 3).


Crematogaster bara sp. nov. is named after the Malagasy “Bara” tribe that inhabits the countryside within the distribution range of this species. The name is treated as noun in apposition.

Type specimens


Worker: pinned, CASENT0491123, BLF07783, under stone [imaged on AntWeb]; original locality label: MADG’R: Fianarantsoa: P.N. Isalo, Ambovo Springs, 29.3 km 4° N Ranohira 990 m, 22º19.9’S, 45º21.1’E, 14 Feb. 2003, Fisher et al., BLF#; deposited at CASC.


4 workers, pinned, same collection and locality data as holotype. #1: CASENT0317776, deposited at SAMC. #2: CASENT0317777, deposited at MHNG. # 3: CASENT0317778, deposited at MCZC. #4: CASENT0317779, deposited at UCDC.

Type locality

MADAGASCAR: Fianarantsoa: P.N. Isalo, Ambovo Springs, 29.3 km 4° N Ranohira, -22.29833, 45.35167, 990 m, Uapaca woodland.

Other material examined

(CASC): refer to Supplementary Material 1.



(n = 16) [holotype] HW 0.87 - 1.03 [0.96]; HL 0.78 - 0.95 [0.89]; EL 0.18 - 0.23 [0.20]; SL 0.77 - 0.87 [0.83]; WL 0.98 - 1.22 [1.07]; SPL 0.10 - 0.18 [0.12]; PTH 0.18 - 0.24 [0.20]; PTL 0.27 - 0.34 [0.30]; PTW 0.28 - 0.36 [0.31]; PPL 0.15 - 0.19 [0.16]; PPW 0.28 - 0.35 [0.29]; LHT 0.77 - 0.93 [0.82]; CI 1.04 - 1.14 [1.08]; OI 0.21 - 0.25 [0.22]; SI 0.91 - 1.01 [0.93]; SPI 0.09 - 0.17 [0.12]; PTHI 0.62 - 0.75 [0.68]; PTWI 0.97 - 1.17 [1.02]; PPI 1.65 - 2.00 [1.86]; LBI 1.20 - 1.32 [1.29].


(Fig. 7A - C) Medium to large size (HW 0.87 - 1.03, WL 0.98 - 1.22).

Masticatory margin of mandibles with four teeth; head shape quadrate, or longer than wide (CI 1.04 - 1.14); posterior margin of head in full-face view laterally rounded or subangular; occipital carinae usually distinct; antennal scapes always easily surpassing head margin; midline of eyes situated at midline of head in full-face view; eyes moderately large (OI 0.21 - 0.25) and protruding.

Pronotum laterally subangular to rounded; promesonotal suture indistinct; promesonotum more or less forming one rounded plane, mesonotum usually with a short posterior face; laterally mesonotum angular, ending in minuscule posterolateral denticles that set off the promesonotum from propodeum; metanotal groove shallow, laterally constricted; propodeal spines short, spiniform (SPI 0.09 - 0.17); propodeal spiracles large, situated directly at base of spines; dorsal face of propodeum convex, almost as long as posterior face; posterior face of propodeum gently sloping; petiole in dorsal view broadly oval or moderately flared, usually concave, without posterolateral tubercules or denticles; subpetiolar process usually present as angular dent; postpetiole very distinctly bilobed, with broad median impression; subpostpetiolar process absent.

Head sculpture reticulate; pronotum dorsally rugulose-reticulate; mesonotum reticulate, mesopleuron areolate, dorsal face of propodeum reticulate-carinulate; otherwise sculpture mostly reticulate; face usually with <six erect, longer setae, and regular, shorter, appressed to decumbent pubescence; erect pilosity on promesonotum usually <eight long setae; otherwise promesonotum dorsally with regular appressed pubescence; petiole and postpetiole usually with a pair of longer erect setae posterolaterally, and shorter decumbent or appressed pubescence; abdominal tergites four to seven with fairly regular, short, erect pilosity, more abundant and longer on sternites four to seven, and abundant appressed pubescence throughout. Color bright to reddish yellow.



(n = 3) HW 1.42 - 1.45; HL 1.32 - 1.37; EL 0.39 - 0.40; SL 1.03 - 1.12; MSNW 1.22 - 1.48; MSNL 1.37 - 1.44; WL 2.46 - 2.75; SPL 0.00; PTH 0.37 - 0.40; PTL 0.44 - 0.47; PTW 0.55 - 0.61; PPL 0.37 - 0.38; PPW 0.59 - 0.61; LHT 1.22 - 1.25; CI 1.06 - 1.08; OI 0.28 - 0.31; SI 0.76 - 0.82; MSNI 0.89 - 1.07; SPI 0.00; PTHI 0.84 - 0.87; PTWI 1.23 - 1.31; PPI 1.61; LBI 2.12 - 2.20.


(Fig. 7E - G) Medium size (HW 1.42 - 1.45, WL 2.46 - 2.75). With worker characters, except as follows.

Masticatory margin of mandibles with five teeth; antennal scapes easily surpassing level of lateral ocelli; eyes fairly large (OI 0.28 - 0.31), situated at midline of head in full-face view; head shape more or less quadrate (CI 1.06 - 1.08), posterior margin straight.

Mesoscutum in dorsal view variable (MSNI 0.89 - 1.07); dorsal face of propodeum short; propodeal tubercules or denticles may be present; petiole moderately flared, postpetiole merely impressed posteriorly; subpetiolar process absent.

Head sculpture reticulate; dorsal face of propodeum carinulate; petiole and postpetiole reticulate; otherwise sculpture reticulate throughout; face usually with <ten longer, erect setae and dense, short, erect to decumbent pubescence; mesonotum with regular, short, suberect pubescence, interspersed with longer, erect setae; petiole and postpetiole with dense, short, suberect to decumbent pilosity, and postpetiole with additional, longer dorso-posterior setae; abdominal tergites and sternites four to seven with abundant, short, erect pilosity and dense appressed to decumbent pubescence. Colored yellow as in workers; wings clear.


Males of this species are unknown.

Distribution and biology

MADAGASCAR. Crematogaster bara sp. nov. has a very narrow distribution range in gallery forest, savannah, Uapaca woodland and spiny forest habitat in southwestern Madagascar (Fig. 7D). It has been collected at elevations from 30 m to 1100 m, and occurs in sympatry with C. sewellii, C. dentata stat. nov. and C. maina sp. nov. Not much is known about the biology of this species. One collection has been made of a colony nesting under a stone, indicating that this species may be ground-nesting.


Published as part of Blaimer, Bonnie B. & Fisher, Brian L., 2013, Taxonomy of the Crematogaster degeeri-species-assemblage in the Malagasy region (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), pp. 1-64 in European Journal of Taxonomy 51 on pages 20-23, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2013.51,


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
Material sample ID
CASENT0317776 , CASENT0317777 , CASENT0317778 , CASENT0317779 , CASENT0491123
Scientific name authorship
Blaimer & Fisher
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Crematogaster bara Blaimer, 2013