Published December 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Interpretation of the semantics of entrepreneurship development: the ratio of its category and related concepts, the impact of innovative information economy of sustainable development


The evolution of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of entrepreneurship has become a logical continuation in the direction of forming a semantic circle and awareness of definitions related to the development of entrepreneurship, their adaptation to the realities of innovation and information economy of sustainable development. The role of the entrepreneur is taken into account – as a carrier of entrepreneurial idea and source of entrepreneurship development, entrepreneurial activity – as a purposeful activity of the entrepreneur, entrepreneurship – as a result of their integration.

The term «entrepreneurship development” has been updated, which covers qualitative changes in entrepreneurship as a process that has different levels, importance, impact and direction of consequences, which in some way cover innovation, social, economic, technological, scientific and environmental spheres, as well as phenomena, which has key components (components, forms and types, infrastructure support).



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